Wrestling Thread Tonight at 7PM ET/ WrestleMania 32/ Preshow Starts at 5PM ET

Will next year WM in Orlando be better?

Infinitely better, provided the roster isn't ravaged with injuries
This WM could've been way easier if the finishes weren't so terrible.
they could book reigns vs ISIS and hed still get booed its honestly amazing
if roman wins this will cap off the worst wrestlemania ever
doesn't matter who wins... this is a bad mania regardless
when was there a good ppv recently though. srs question

i feel like everyones been average or bad since the network

Last year Mania was great

There's been a couple PPVS that exceeded my expectations
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All these Marks complaining about this show when they knew what they were going to get yet still watch are probably the same people who order a medium well steak at a steakhouse, if it's a bit more medium or a bit more well done, they'll ask to take it back to the chef until it's done right. :smh:
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