WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

I hope they keep Punk in the main event picture, but they need to take his heel character in a different direction..This angry/whiny version of Punk just makes him look small..Almost like he is a little kid who's mad that the bigger kids are picking on him..He needs to be more vicious instead of being a crybaby..

now is the time to pair him with The Shield or Brock or Both...terrorize everything until WM
I hope they keep Punk in the main event picture, but they need to take his heel character in a different direction..This angry/whiny version of Punk just makes him look small..Almost like he is a little kid who's mad that the bigger kids are picking on him..He needs to be more vicious instead of being a crybaby..

This would have been a fine time to have Punk "bump" into a young up and coming face like Kofi and completely beat the crap out them. Leading to a match at Mania. The face wouldn't need to win, just put on a great match. After Mania, Punk could get right back into the title picture.
For those big on the Harlem Shake videos, TNA just posted one:

How about WWE steps their social media game up and makes one? :smokin
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