WWE Heads Which "Big-Man" Wrestler Is Viewed As The Greatest In Terms Of Technical Skill/Finesse

May 30, 2006
When i say big man ie Scott Steiner, Goldeberg, Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley, Ultimate Warrior and etc

I always see John Cena, Batista and etc get chastised for being terrible wrestlers but who are some big-man wrestlers that are viewed as great technicalwrestlers and who is viewed as the greatest.

I think Tony Atlas was a pretty good wrestler for his size
The Undertaker. He has a WrestleMania record no one else can compete with. Even wrestlers get scared to go into the ring with him.
i dont really consider Steiner, Bill, Brock etc. "big guys"

but if you're talking about guys from the mould you are talking about then it would be Brock.

if you are talking traditional big guys - Kane.
I don't even watch wrestling that much anymore, but what other big-man can do a tight rope walk like the Undertaker can?
I thought you were talking big guys as in Taker, Big Show, Andre, Giant Gonzales, Nash, Sid, etc. Out of that category, I would have to say Taker. Its prettyamazing when he leaps over the top rope and dives onto dudes on the outside of the ring.

About that list you posted, everyone has their ups and downs. Many have a very simple moveset.
Ohhh sorry for the mislead i was speaking in terms of big bulky dudes with the incredible physique.... since they seem to get the most criticism as being justmuscle.

Yeah Undertaker is pretty agile and technical for his size... don't see that too often.
Suck. I didn't realize there was a "WWE" qualifier.

Umm...I'd have to go with Undertaker. He doesn't make smaller wrestlers' offense look like crap. Once the "no-sell" gimmick wore off,he was able to bump for people pretty well and make it look believable.

If Big Show was in shape like he was in WCW and had the ring experience he has now, he'd probably be the number one on my list. The guy can tell a storyin the ring and make it believable as hell.
I think it's hard to argue against Undertaker for WWE guys. Great matches without stipulations (Batista last year, Angle two years ago) and with (Hell in aCell against Shawn, ladder match with Jeff Hardy) throughout his career.

Vader was good, but that's my opinion more based on his WCW and Japan stuff I think. I know he had a good match or two against Shawn.

Derail but it was mentioned in the OP: Cena is a decent-good wrestler. Horrible character and horrible booking, but a good performer. He had a good last yearbefore his injury (which, as a wrestling conspiracy theorist, I believe was a work): Rumble match with Umaga, WM [good besides the ending and Cena'sselling] and Raw match with Shawn (there he is again), GAB match with Lashley, and I believe he had a good match with Orton at Summerslam? I forget. Noargument with Batista, but Batista can be a good character; see his build pre-WM 21.
i was a big fan of vader's during his 1996-1998 run.. so i would say him then. now, it's taker.. no question about it. see kurt angle v. undertakerfrom wwe no way out last year.. or was it two years ago
i'll go with undertaker.

some of the things he does makes him seem like he is a "regular" sized wrestler.
no one is going to mention 4wrestling's father, Bam Bam Bigelow??

Dude was incredible in the ring, and this is is before Undertaker was flying over the ropes.. ....

until you said physique i was gonna say BAM BAM ... man he could go with anyone! great wrestler and he sold everybody...
also The American Dream Dusty Rhodes... man dude on the mic was just wow... then he would go hour long matches

but if we go with physique/ability no one can touch the undertaker...

i do give a nod to old school tony atlas... he had some offense... not much, but dude was huge and did his thing
Taker all day! kane and bam bam a close second. i see u mentioned ultimate warrior. i dnt see him as much of a big man wrestler but he was awsome until he gotinto drugs. now hes jus a face panted loser
I don't see everyone's fascination with Kane. I think he is and always has been terrible.

I don't consider Brock, Goldberg, etc to be big men.

So I'll go with The Undertaker. I'll also throw in Bam Bam like Angel said, and The Angry Amish Roadkill did some pretty incredible things for hissize.

I still wish we could have seen The Big Show attempt a moonsault when he used to be inshape.
If you mean big as in tall, then Taker is definitely the best technical wrestler. Dude walks the ropes, uses the triangle hold, executes a mean powerbomb, andused to just run and then fly over the ropes onto people. (See jumping onto Vader and Goldust during his inferno match with Kane).

If you mean big as in brawny, I'd have to say Brock. Shooting Star Press FTW!
Undertaker is just really tall. Thats why hes so agile he isnt really a plump person ala Vader. But if he is applicable that yeah thats all him.
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