Part 2!


LMAO this is too funny.  The ending was classic when she tells him to play with his action figures.
I expected/wanted the rock to win but I hate that he had to win with the peoples elbow. I always thought moves like the peoples elbow, hogans legdrop, benoit diving head butt, scottie too hotties worm chop, etc were all lame finishers. Wish they used those moves as a warm up to the finishers like cena does with the 5 knuckle shuffle then the fu....
Hold up,Benoit beat someone with the diving headbutt before?
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Update on Jericho

--Jericho will be back through WrestleMania and his opponent as of today is scheduled to be....
The funniest thing about that video is that his girlfriend labels him as "Fat Kid" in the title 
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WWE has announced that Vince McMahon will be giving Paul Heyman a performance review on tonight's Raw.

Possible spot for Lesnar to come back and lay out Vince, setting up a HHH rematch?
Elimination Chamber Main Event

The Rock v CM Punk Rematch

Is that the next PPV? If so, people would have their jimmies rustled into realignment if Punk wins and gets back the title

Then re rustled when Cena takes it. They'd rather him break Bruno Sammartinos record by 2 years.
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All I'm going to say is Rock as champion is facing Cena for the WWE Title at Mania.  Don't expect either to lose or have any title changes between now and then.
How can Rock winning hurt the company? It's hurting the company with buys and viewership being down, and the roster can't step to the plate and drive in runs, so they're forced to bring in the DH. The roster lacks charisma, and Rock brings that. WWE is treating the mid card gingerly so it won't kill their building process. If Cena left they'd find another.
 its not the rosters fault. there are plenty of guys that have so much charisma and potential but wwe gives them some halfass terribly booked chance. Its almost as i wwes biggest stars always happen by accident. Austin was a heel and people just started cheering him. the rock was being forced onto the fans and they rejected him, they took his training wheels off and he became huge. Same thing with punk they let him go free a bit and it elevated him.
What a show. Definitely among the best I've been to live. The crowd was more heel oriented for the most part but that's usually how it is when the smarks come to town. Looking forward to raw tonight.
I actually have no problem with the Punk Rock ending as last night's Royal Rumble was the first ppv that I ordered at my house in like 10 years. And the only reason I ordered it was to watch The Rock win the title. When you think about it there are only like two other people in the current roster that would be able to beat Punk and they are Ryback and Cena. The backlash would have been much worse if one of them had broken Punk's streak.
Jericho coming back is one of the biggest returns we had in a while. No one and I mean NO ONE knew he was coming back. I swear Benjamin, MVP and Carlito was just leaked to troll everyone.

What people biggest problem with WWE is its predictability. Its true that they can only do what they can with the internet and the smarks "knowing" everything, but its their execution. If Rocky was to go over then do it right let it be a battle. The match truth be told was pretty weak, kinda short, and all the lights out nonsense sucked thats why the crowd started crapping on it. Then the restart only resulted in 5 more minutes and a really rushed sloppy finish.

Same thing with the rumble, which up until the end was one of the best ones they had in a while. Alot of people will say that no matter what Cena does it will be hated, but thats not anyones fault but WWEs. The fans are just tired of it. People know that he doesn't need to win to get a title shot. It just seems like such a waste to have Dolph last so long and it all be for nothing. It reminded me of how I felt when Kane almost won in 2001. But fine Zigglers gone, but this could have been a huge moment for Ryback. Hell let him win, and then set up a triple threat with him Rock and Cena. Rock with the title has so much wait to casual fans, why not give Ryback the final push and have him be the one to pin Rock in a triple threat. Cena still can be Cena, Rock puts over a new star, and Ryback becomes a fixture in the main event for years.

What bothers me about WWE is when and how they choose to protect people. At this point in Cena's career who cares who pins him these days, he will never lose his status in fans mind. There is nothing barring him getting stunned by the Shockmaster that would devalue his main event status. Same thing with the Rock. For Ryback its now or never. He has to win something soon or its over in the fans eyes. What sucks is that WWE has put themselves in a bind, cause they can't send him down to win the midcard titles, so its championship or bust.
While Jericho coming back was cool, I feel like his "returns" become stale once the surprise factor is gone. His last good one was with the whole code breaking thing. The promos they ran with that leading up to his return were flawless. Its like you expect Jericho to leave and have a big comeback within a year of two
I'm reading some people's comments and I thought Carlito, MVP, and Benjamin was returning too. Also, I wonder if Jericho was just for the rumble last night or they have him planned for WM. I can't wait for EC.
I was at the Rumble last night. It was a VERY entertaining ppv. Only a few slow spots, mainly during the ADR - Big Show match. The Rumble itself was excellent, couldn't think of any bad spots, although the crowd really wanted Kofi to jump from the announce table to the ring. Goldust-Cody was a nice moment, but I wonder how many kids and young people know their relationship. Cena's win got a nice pop, even though he got his fair share of heat during the match. During the Rock - Punk match, when Punk got his pinfall, I looked at my watch and saw it was only 8:42, so I knew it wasn't finished. Biggest pops of the night: Rock's pinfall, Rock's entrance, and Jericho's Rumble entrance.

As an added bonus, after the Rumble we went to Hooters for dinner and saw Godfather and Jerry the King Lawler.
All I'm going to say is Rock as champion is facing Cena for the WWE Title at Mania.  Don't expect either to lose or have any title changes between now and then.

Pretty much summed it up. My only question is, the Rock's last date schedule on air is Raw after EC(correct?). WM is in April, so no WWE Champ for almost a month on screen?
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