WWE SUMMERSLAM PPV 8/23 - Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk TLC Match, Orton vs Cena, DX Returns (p21)

Wow....what did I just watch?

John has made that same reaction before with a fan and he asked the ref "now what" and Randy was talking to the camera man on the outside.

I wouldn't put it past the E but i do not think he was part of it.

Lets see if there is more security around or outside the barriers for this match. especially a TLC.
I'm wondering what writer sat down, wrote that match, and actually thought it was a good idea.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

That was planned, don't even think it wasn't.

That match was CRAP. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY overbooked. That would have been a perfect WCW/TNA main event.

Umm, no it wasn't. Orton and Cena had the reaction like they were going to get stabbed. Botches, and crazy things still happen.
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