WWE Survivor Series - 11/23 8pm PPV - Chris Jericho vs John Cena | HHH vs Hardy vs Koslov (p12)

Oct 15, 2000

This should be a busy week as we are heading into the arguably third or fourth largest PPV of the year, but honestly, aside from The Royal Rumble andWrestleMania, I don't feel there is any differentiation between the other PPVs and that includes Summerslam and Survivor Series. There's been no buildup for Cena vs Jericho. Cena's return is a joke to give him a title shot here. The "Traditional Survivor Series" matches used to mean something.Now, they are just guys thrown together for no reason. Koslov is probably going to win the WWE Title over the more deserving Jeff Hardy. And The Undertaker andBig Show will have a slow, boring match with a casket thrown in. Not to mention the McMahons are back on TV. I just don't have a lot of enthusiasm towardsSurvivor Series and the WWE in general right now.


So tonight we get CM Punk vs Randy Orton. Another one of the perfectly set up programs that the WWE has basically decided to throw into the trash. Consideringthese two are involved in the Team Batista vs Team Orton match, you have to expect that all ten men get involved and this match just falls apart.

Whoever decided to take the Intercontinental Title off of Santino is a real moron, and I'm not just saying that because I'm Santino's #1 fan.Let's be serious. The Intercontinental Title means nothing. So why take it off a guy who was actually making it entertaining and relavant? Now, Regal, aperenial midcarder has the title. If it wasn't a telling sign that Santino got a bigger pop than Regal in Regal's home country, then I don't knowwhat is. Fans in the US won't give a damn about Regal. All I can hope is that this doesn't mean the end of Santino on TV. He is the most entertainingact on Raw.

What will Shane's and Stephanie's roles be on tonight's show?

There's really not much else to say for tonight's show. There is no WWE.com preview, and Stephanie said that last week would be about conclusions ofprograms, so I'm assuming we get new fueds starting tonight? I have no idea.
News & Notes

SPOILER: John Cena to win World Heavyweight Title at Survivor Series.

The current plan is for John Cena to defeat Chris Jericho at Survivor Series later this month to become the World Heavyweight Champion. Survivor Series is on Sunday, November 23rd and will be live from the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston, MA.

Can't say I didn't see it coming...the WWE hyping up his return for months, him being in his home state, and his first match back is for the WorldTitle. So Jericho will have lost the strap in back to back PPV's...how weak does that make him look? Oh well, he's still a 5 time champ...
. For the record, I don't have a problem with Cena being championagain...he's arguably WWE's biggest draw and hasn't held the strap in a little over a year. It's just the way they're going about it...atleast make dude win a contenders match or something. C'mon now...

Update on Christian and his possible return; makes it clear he will NOT return as a mid-carder.

- WWE has not made a formal contract offer to Christian because he is still under TNA contract. The communication between Christian and WWE has been strictly informal where the company has been feeling him out. I was told that Christian has made it clear to WWE officials that he does not want to return to the company as a mid-card talent. Christian sees himself as a main eventer and after being in the spotlight since going to TNA Wrestling in 2005, he does not want to be reduced if he were to return to his former employer. The storyline that TNA taped at this week's Impact tapings to write Christian off of television was actually his idea. Christian wanted to be written off of television in a way that would not hurt the company.

Update on Edge.

Edge was backstage at the Raw taping in Tampa, Florida two weeks ago. Edge lives in the Tampa area and was said to have looked refreshed and well rested. I did not ask if he was still wearing the beard but I was told by people close to him that he looked the best that he has looked in months. Prior to his hiatus from WWE, Edge had told friends that he needed time off because of burnout along with being banged up after all of the major surgeries that he has had in recent years. While an exact return date for the former WWE Champion is unknown, we're told that he is expected to be back before the end of 2008.

Over 10 TNA contracts expiring in Spring 2009.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Spring 2009 could end up being an interesting time for TNA as at least 10 contracts will be up for numerous talents. WWE has shown interest in a few TNA guys whose deals will be expiring around this time as well. The expectation is that if an offer from WWE is on the table for some guys that they will jump at the chance to make the move.

It has been confirmed that Rhino's contract with TNA is set to expire sometime next year. Spring 2009 will be a key period for the company as reportedly, about ten contracts are set to expire.

And as a reminder, Kurt Angle's contract with TNA comes up next September. It's interesting to note that he's been a lot more complementary towards WWE, Vince McMahon & Triple H in media interviews in recent months -- a complete 180 from his previous comments. He filmed a shoot interview with RF Video in September and praised WWE quite a bit.

Update on WWE-Marijuana story.

WWE officials are reportedly fed up with certain wrestlers who continually failed marijuana tests.

In recent weeks, a couple of wrestlers were told outright to stop using now and warned them discipline for use is going to get a lot more serious soon.

One wrestler in particular has failed for pot 11 or 12 times and their push of not that long ago was stopped. Another planned push for the wrestler has been slowed down.

No word yet on who the wrestler in question is, but it is not MVP, who is on a thirteen match losing streak on television. MVP's status in WWE is due to a number of other factors, mainly saying a rude comment to drug testing official back in August.

Up until this point, a failed test for pot resulted in a $1,000 fine. There was a feeling it was a "pot excuse tax" because it calms one down after performing and helps them cope with injuries. Also it stops them from doing the more legal but also more harmful alcohol.

A number of wrestlers have argued on both sides of the issue because plenty have gone through the schedule without the need for pot and feel those who say they need it or alcohol to survive use it as an excuse to party.

Originally, WWE didn't really want to introduce the policy, but following the aftermath of the death of Chris Benoit, outside parties started looking at the company's drug testing policy, and seeing how they're a public company, they didn't want to have any obvious holes in it. Also, officials are working very hard on improving the company's image, and people could once point fingers at WWE having a toothless policy, whether warranted or not.

I looked at all the names on the rosters and I'm guessing either John Morrison or R-Truth. I don't know if either smokes weed, but those are just myguesses.

Matt Hardy states he has a partially torn PCL in his blog; will continue to wrestle for the time being.

Matt Hardy slightly tore the PCL ligament in his surgically repaired left knee during his match against Finlay at the ECW television taping in Manchester, England last Monday. Hardy is said to be in a tremendous amount of pain, but is working through the injury.

The current ECW Champion is currently in Atlanta, Georgia for tonight's ECW/Raw tapings at the Philips Arena.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]As reported earlier, ECW Champion Matt Hardy is nursing a sore knee but worked through it during WWE's lengthy European tour. Hardy hyper-extended his surgically repaired left knee during his ECW Championship match with Finlay last week, which was taped last Monday in Manchester. On his MySpace blog, Hardy wrote:

"I fortunately retained the ECW Championship in a hard-hitting, fantastic match against the veteran Irishman. Unfortunately, something none of you at home witnessed-because it happened during a commercial break period-was me painfully hyper-extending my surgically repaired left knee. I continued that match without acknowledging it to anyone but knew I had hurt it. After the match, I was examined and diagnosed with a slightly torn PCL and stretched ligaments in the back of my knee. I could finished the tour out, but had to do some major treatment, wrapping and bracing of my knee. And by the way, I thought going into this day I had tomorrow off because it was a Smackdown only taping. I find out at the end of the night I'm needed tomorrow for both episodes of Smackdown. I guess that's what you get for being a WORKHORSE, HA! Now I already have the stress of an extremely hard trip plus a knee injury. Welcome to the wrestlingbusiness boys and girls. I felt much better when I got back to the hotel, my Smackdown crew got in, and the ECW, Raw, and Smackdown crews hit the hotel bar. I think the entire WWE drank every ounce of alcohol and liquor in Manchester that night! LOL! Day 6 Manchester, England - I wake up and my knee feels absolutely horrible. I can barely walk. It's one of those moments when I ask myself how am I gonna do this.. How am I gonna perform tonight. After soaking and icing and treating and wrapping and bracing my knee thoroughly, somehow I do. I wrestled Shelton Benjamin in a Champion versus Champion match and came out victorious. I thought it was a helluva match as well. In case you're wondering, I was in excruciating pain the whole time. I also wrestled another tag match that will be featured on this week's Smackdown. I also wanna tell everyone that I was extremely proud of Jeff on this day as he had possible his best TVday performance EVER. That night, a little social time was had-but I actually got a good night's sleep. I had to-my knee and my performances for the week were depending on it."

Mike Adamle upset with WWE storyline.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mike Adamle was said to have been very upset when he arrived to the RAW TV taping in Tampa, FL on November 3rd and told they were writing him off as the Raw General Manager. He was told plans had changed and that this would be his last show as the GM. His emotions on RAW that night were real.

Apparently, Mike Adamle has been doing local sports reports for awhile, even while he was the GM for Raw. Mike Adamle actually works for NBC 5 in Chicago and has for quite some time. He was doing sports for them even when he was on WWE every week.http://www.24wrestling.com/news.php?subaction=showfull&id=1226958113&archive=&start_from=&ucat=6&#

Backstage details on how Brian Kendrick got his push.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]It sounds like the push that The Brian Kendrick has been getting is due to the way he approached Vince McMahon.

The tag team of Kendrick and Paul London, while they had a lot of good matches on SmackDown, they never got over in the eyes of Vince McMahon, mainly because they weren't too good with promos. When they went to RAW and the whole thing happened with Paul London smiling during Vince's explosion angle, there was some heat for the both of them.

London never came up with an idea to pitch to Vince but Kendrick went to Vince later on, said he was frustrated and did not want to be seen in the same light as London. The feeling was that by Kendrick showing passion to Vince, so he really wanted the push and got it.

Almost a year later and Kendrick is repackaged on SmackDown with a nice push and London has been wished the best in his future endeavors.

Speaking of Paul London...Paul possibly finished withprofessional wrestling.

Recently released WWE worker Paul London has been telling people close to him that he is going to take a break from professional wrestling and could possibly be done with the business for good. Several independent promoters have contacted London about working dates and we've been told that he has turned them down.

Apparently London is in the midst of working on something else and those close to him believe that it could be a career in acting.

Maryse and Michelle McCool reportedly in a backstage altercation.

There is some serious heat between SD! divas Michelle McCool and Maryse these days. That is likely what Jim Ross was talking about in his blog several weeks ago. There was some sort of backstage altercation not that long ago. I'm trying to get more and will post it here as I get it.

If true, that's the 2nd time I've heard about McCool having problems with someone else backstage (also had heat with Natalya). Sounds like shorty gotan ego, must be because of the Deadman pounding it...

Angelina Love speaks on WWE; hints at a possible return.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]TNA's Knockout Angelina Love was recently interviewed by Mike Mooneyham of the Charleston Post & Courier. The Beautiful People member said she's confident she would be one of the top divas in WWE right now had they evaluated her talent correctly when she was in WWE's OVW developmental system a few years ago. "I was probably the most talented girl they had in developmental, but they were more interested in hiring Hooters girls and models and putting them on TV without any experience."

Angelina tore her ACL and was out of action for 10 months during her time at OVW and feels she wasn't given another chance to prove herself. "They had me up at TV for a few ideas but it never panned out, and I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason," Angelina said. "So obviously there's a reason why my first run in WWE didn't work. We'll see what happens in the future."

Scott Hall/ICP planning to invade other shows, including WWE?

- Take it for what it's worth, but Jeff Springer sent this in:

ICP (The Insane Clown Posse) have a wrestling radio show called "The Main Event" which is place to talk about pro wrestling and their promotion JCW. On the November 4th edition of the Show Scott Hall called in to Hosts Violent J of ICP, 2 Tuff Tony and JCW Champion Corpral Robinson and dared them to take JCW's Number one stable the jWo which all 4 are members of on the road to invade TNA, WWE and UFC.

As I read here the jWo were in attendance at Turning Point 5 days later which Scott Hall said were be their place of invasion in TNA. On the Next episode of the "The Main Event which was 2 days after Turning Point , Hall and Violent J hinted that their invasion of WWE could be this Monday Night in Atlanta a fellow rapper friend of ICP has offered to buy Floor Seats for the event if Violent J says to do so. Then Hall also added ROH as a place that they plan to invade with the stable. Then he also challenged Samoa Joe who ripped him last year at Turning Point to a match at the Next JCW Wrestling event the Big Ballas X-Mas Party.

Mr. Kennedy interview; speaks on injuries, his return and Austin.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Orlando Sentinel recently conducted an interview with WWE star Ken Kennedy. Below are some highlights, and you can read the entire interview at this link.

You mentioned injuries and the one you have right now which is a shoulder injury that has kept you sidelined since August. You've been with the WWE for about four years now. Before you got there, I don't think you ever had any major injuries. Since you've been there, you've had three. How difficult is that to not be a buzzkill and keep you down?

"Well, the schedule got increasingly…I've wrestled a lot more since I've gotten to the WWE. Our schedule is a lot tougher than the independent schedule since we wrestle anywhere from three to seven days a week. Seven days a week when we do our overseas tour and, so, it's just one of those things. The human body is not meant to be abused like that day in and day out. Things happen and I had some unfortunate set of circumstances happen two out of the three times. One time was just kind of a fluke injury and the other two times were kind of mistakes made in the ring. Hey, it's just part of the game."

With the injuries, was it just a simple thing because it seems that more often it's the simplest things in wrestling where guys seem to get hurt the most often?

"The first time I was dropkicked off an apron and dropkicked very, very hard off an apron so I ended up flying through the air like the Matrix and I hit the concrete floor with my arm outstretched on my side and that just popped my lat right off the bone. With the second injury, it was one of those fluke things where Batista just gave me a clothesline and I took a back bump like I've taken a million times before and I just felt my tricep pop. It can be anything on any given day. You look at some of the tapes, you look at some of the previous injuries for some of the guys. Triple H went to plant his foot and tore his quadriceps right off the bone."

How is your rehab going and what's the timetable for your return?

"The rehab is going pretty good. It's slow going - there's not a whole lot I can do right now. I'm going to see Dr. Andrews and he's going to give me an update and tell me how he wants me to start progressing my rehabilitation. He initially had told the office that I would be looking at a February 28 return date if everything goes well. I'm going to cross my fingers and say a couple prayers, take my vitamins and drink my milk and hopefully I'll be back by then, maybe a little sooner."

You mentioned Austin; I've heard that you're a big fan of his and have become pretty close with him. What kind of advice has he given you?

"The nice thing about Steve is that…I've had a couple opportunities to sit down and watch my match with him. He would show up at a TV and they always have a tape of the match of the previous week so we would sit down and watch the match. It was pretty neat because he picks apart minor details that mean so much that the normal viewer can't quite put their finger on but would mean so much more if that little piece of the puzzle was there. That's kind of the stuff that he helps me with - picking apart my matches and finding those little, minor details that make the match that much better."

Bobby Lashley looking to return to wrestling?

- Bobby Lashley was on the latest edition of "The Shoot" and now seems interested in retuning to the wrestling business. Here is part of the interview:

Bobby Lashley stopped by The Shoot on November 13th, he was welcomed by hosts Gary Cantrell and Alan Martin. Gary starts off by asking Bobby about his WWE release. "I spoke with some of the higher ups, and just came to the conclusion that I did ask for my release." Bobby also responded to the rumors that his release involved Kristal Marshall by saying, "There was nothing at all to do with Kristal why I left. I don't know who brought that up or why that brought that up but it was completely wrong." He also mentioned that he would love to go back to professional wrestling at some point as he really enjoyed the atmosphere and interacting with the fans. Gary then goes on to ask him about the feeling of headlining a Wrestlemania. "Walking out there in front of 85,000 people, it was without a doubt surreal man." He was then asked if he was at all nervous before walking through the curtain, and Bobby said "I was more anxious than nervous. I was ready to go out there, I couldn't wait to get out there." The conversation switched to talking about the schedule that comes with being a top tier WWE star. "It has a big effect on your family life but I think the people that are able to it for a long time have a lot of support from their family. All in all your doing a lot, but on the same token your able to take care of your family like you never have before. There was things that I was able to do for my family, my extended family, friends, and everyone else that I never thought I'd be able to do so I didn't mind at all sacrificing myself in order to take care of everyone else and everyone else understood it."

Update on Melina.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- Melina returned to the ring at the FCW TV taping on Thursday night, teaming with Tyler Reks against Alicia Fox and Jake Gabriel. She had been out with a broken heel.[/font]

Note on Kizarny (upcoming SmackDown wrestler).

It is interesting to note that Kizarny (real name Nick Cvjetkovich) is childhood friends with Edge and Christian Cage. Kizarny, who has been working in Florida Championship Wrestling as Sinn Bowdee, is scheduled to be called up to the main SmackDown roster shortly.

WWE possibly not doing the Fan Axxess Tour at Wrestlemania 25 due to budget cutbacks.

WNW has learned that there is talk of WWE not doing a Fan Axxess Tour in the weeks and months leading up to WrestleMania XXV next year. One source told us that the company was thinking of scrapping the five year tradition due to budget cuts.

Apparently the plan is to do a four-day fan festival in Houston in the days leading up to WrestleMania in April instead of the prolonged Fan Axxess tour.

WrestleMania XXV will take place on Sunday, April 5, 2009 from the Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas.
"Melina returned to the ring at tonight's [Nov 14th] Florida Championship Wrestling from her heel injury, reports PWInsider.com. She teamed up withTyler Reks in a tag match against Alicia Fox and Jack Gabriel. On June 23, 2008, Melina injured her ankle when she fell from the turnbuckle in a match whereshe and Mickie James took on Natalya and Victoria. Melina was originally slated to return to the ring in January 2009, so this is far ahead of schedule."(pics from Nov 14 Florida Championship Wrestling)

Damn Kizarny needs to hurry up and get in action, I'm tired of hearing him speak in carny language in that promo. They been promoting this full for like 4months now.
Originally Posted by Agthekid

I'm starting to get tired of seeing Rey Mysterio, and him kissing those little boys.

lmao he has alot of fans tho with that said WCW Rey > WWE Rey
Originally Posted by Jules300

Originally Posted by Agthekid

I'm starting to get tired of seeing Rey Mysterio, and him kissing those little boys.

lmao he has alot of fans tho with that said WCW Rey > WWE Rey

Rey without the mask>WWE Rey
What Up Fellas,

4w, i sent you a pm on my cell phone but it didnt show up on my outbox on my desktop. Im intrested in going to the show with ya,

As for the show tonight I really think WWE needs to push Rey Mysterio into the IC Title picture. We all know he wont get a heavyweight title match maybe oneagains't Cena but I doubt it.
man I havent watched a full RAW in months...this is easily the worst wrestling has been in many, many years
Hope tonights show is good, cant say Im suprised of Cena winning the strap at SS. Now I definitley think Cena will face Botchtista at Mania. This is whyJericho won the title back, so the match wasnt wasted for the 2ed time.
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