WWE WrestleMania XXVI 3.28 7PM | Taker vs HBK, Hart vs McMahon, Batista vs Cena, Jericho vs Edge

That was quick..Show looking weak so far.

Thanks for Veetle though.
Show over powered Truth on the outside.  He slammed him into the post.  In the ring, Morrison went for Starship Pain on Miz, but Show pulled Miz out of the ring.  Morrison was able to retain control against The Miz.  Show made a blind tag.  Morrison went for a springboard move, but Show hit him with the Knockout Punch.  Show came in and made the pin to get the pin.  Show Miz retains the titles.  A pretty quick match, but it worked well and was a good opener.

WrestleMania week recap.

Triple Threat match is up now.  I think you could hear the entire crowd grown.

Cody Rhodes coming out to his own music.  Dibiase coming out to Legacy's music.  Rhodes has new ring gear as well.  Burnt orange tights with white boots.

Crowd is strongly behind Orton.
Dese two rookies need to do better with the kicks and the punches, some of em I can clearly see orton not bein touched, they just use their voice to add effect, lol im talking like im a pro im jus sayin...
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