XBOX 360 madden league thread vol season has started week 4!

Been meaning to ask this.. Would anyone know why im missing Logan (Lions kick returner). Hes no where on my roster and hes not injured. Been missing him the whole season.
the commish probably skipped the preseason so the roster cuts were simmed. everyone is missing KR's and low overall sleeper players

anyone know who is using the Bengals? still haven't heard from cat.[/COLOR]
GT                                                    Team

Yo Shadi                                          Giants

bigzeek3                                          ********

Velle47                                            Chargers   

Jet Life Tony                                     Packers

Yellow Screams                               Broncos

CoolBREEZECoop                            Falcons

Sk8bordJ III                                      Jets

NoGimmxcks                                   49ers 

thethe daCANNON                           Cowboys 

HEISENI3ERG I3                              Lions 

PAIDNFULL23                                 Chiefs

Young Sean 15                                Seahawks

roger e3                                          Dolphins

GnR LeeTheGod                              Saints

DaSignOfHell                                   Bears

CxJ 616                                          Eagles

THEh8r83                                       Raiders

MooseFiend99                                Patriots

So Dead Serious                            Steelers

IIIConquestIII                                   Bills

DevDaDude55                                Buccaneers

Jaysfiend23                                   Texans (don't beat him too bad! he quits if u do)

UCE BLEEZY                                Colts

flash house                                    Titans

C1EARSTAR                                 Ravens

SavonDante213                              Panthers

justreason914                                Bengals

I PF FLYER I                                 Vikings

oM  Zeus                                      Cardinals

This should end all the "Where you at so and so?"   Just send him a message on XBL  if he doesn't get back to you, hit up Casper via message n he'll help you out

Open teams left : Browns, Rams, Jaguars
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Btw guys if anybody isn't playing their games, call em out on here so my dude Casper can help you out and put it on auto pilot so you can play the CPU. 

Regular players shouldn't be penalized bc  other dudes don't care at all. So SHOUT OUT the team name and NT sn and XBL GT so we can fix this
this and this y'all have to help me if you can't get in touch with somebody hit ME up I'll put them on auto pilot ASAP. Another thing if you see somebody hasnt been online in a week let me know and ill boot them if they didnt come in here and let it be known Don't wait until I advance the league to say something.

As far as the advance time if you can't knock out a game every 2 days this isn't the league for you.

I'm trying my best but I still need y'all to help and do your part.

Yes I'll fix the Og post but I been on my iPad a lot and man that **** is a mess to look at on here
League advanced
Wtf the league got advanced how tf did the 9ers lose to the bils????? :x man this whole **** is fkd up now we simulating it every other day now smh :smh: next time I'll quit this league can't have that around and I've been on here asking to play conquest to play Mann I hope he ain't just play the CPU like I ain't ask where he was at Mann I'm heatedddd
next time I'll quit this league
why wait until next time the door don't lock when you come in.

**** has been clear from day 1 when I said 3 or 4 games a week this isn't new if you can't set a time up the 1st day hit me on the 2nd and I'll auto pilot the other . Or take your chances with the sim and I could bet money if the 49ers would have won you wouldn't have said a word. :smh:
[COLOR=#red]Ok... so questions on the advances.

I don't know if I won or lost but even so. I clearly tried to contact Bengals player, If it take the L then that's two losses not on my end but because of advance. One should have been a W but server issues that night, and then this one. How can we correct this. I don't care about taking an L, but i want to play the game feel me.[/COLOR]
GT                                                    Team

Yo Shadi                                          Giants
bigzeek3                                          ********
Velle47                                            Chargers   
Jet Life Tony                                     Packers
Yellow Screams                               Broncos
CoolBREEZECoop                            Falcons
Sk8bordJ III                                      Jets
NoGimmxcks                                   49ers 
thethe daCANNON                           Cowboys 
HEISENI3ERG I3                              Lions 
PAIDNFULL23                                 Chiefs
Young Sean 15                                Seahawks
roger e3                                          Dolphins
GnR LeeTheGod                              Saints
DaSignOfHell                                   Bears
CxJ 616                                          Eagles
THEh8r83                                       Raiders
MooseFiend99                                Patriots
So Dead Serious                            Steelers
IIIConquestIII                                   Bills
DevDaDude55                                Buccaneers
Jaysfiend23                                   Texans (don't beat him too bad! he quits if u do)
UCE BLEEZY                                Colts
flash house                                    Titans
C1EARSTAR                                 Ravens
SavonDante213                              Panthers
justreason914                                Bengals
I PF FLYER I                                 Vikings
oM  Zeus                                      Cardinals

This should end all the "Where you at so and so?"   Just send him a message on XBL  if he doesn't get back to you, hit up Casper via message n he'll help you out

Open teams left : Browns, Rams, Jaguars

[COLOR=#red]solid update, glad someone did it. kinda messes me up for week 4 but with how things are it is what it is. good look steez.[/COLOR]
Add me and let me know you tired to set a game up with so and so and I'll put them on auto pilot when ever they get back on they can take they self off but until then you get to play the pc
Add me and let me know you tired to set a game up with so and so and I'll put them on auto pilot when ever they get back on they can take they self off but until then you get to play the pc

[COLOR=#red]ok. for sure.[/COLOR]
Ok guys he advanced the league TODAY.

He updates the league every OTHER day.

That means u have till thursday afternoon to finish week 6.
Don't even need Calvin. Titus Young is a problem in this game. Looking forward to my next two games with Casper and Certified. I get Calvin back for you Certified.
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[COLOR=#red]Steez... after this bye week I'm comin for you sucka!! Gotta avenge this fake L I took!

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