Xbox addict 'dies from blood clot'

Nov 19, 2010
A post-mortem revealed that 20-year-old Chris Staniforth -- who was offered a place to study Game Design at Leicester University -- was killed by a pulmonary embolism, which can occur if someone sits in the same position for several hours.

/;width:300px;height:223px;">;height:223px;" title="Xbox 360 controller"> Deep vein thrombosis normally affects passengers on long-haul flights, but medical experts fear youngsters who spend hours glued to their consoles might also be at risk and have urged them to take regular breaks.

Professor Brian Colvin -- an expert on blood-related conditions -- said it was "unhealthy" for youngsters to spend long periods in front of their consoles.

"There's anxiety about obesity and children not doing anything other than looking at computer screens," he told The Sun.

David Staniforth has now launched a campaign to warn other parents of the dangers.

"Games are fun and once you've started playing it's hard to stop.

"Kids all over the country are playing these games for long periods - they don't realise it could kill them," he told The Sun.

A coroner's court in Sheffield was told how the youngster -- who had no underlying medical conditions -- was complaining of a low heart rate before collapsing outside a Jobcentre.

Staniforth's distraught father said his son would spend up to 12 hours playing on his Xbox.

"He got sucked in playing Halo online against people from all over the world."

Online computer games are extremely popular as thousands interact in shared science fiction worlds.

Reports of gamers collapsing after spending 15 hours in front of video games are fairly common throughout Asia.

In 2005, a South Korean gamer died after playing online games for three days without taking a break.

Microsoft -- which manufactures the Xbox -- said it "recommend gamers take breaks to exercise as well as make time for other pursuits."

I came in here fully expecting it to be another Korean life lost due to gaming.

Kind of relieved, but that still sucks.

I thought an embolism was an air bubble?
12 hours straight? That's a little OD. The most I've ever done was probably 3 maybe 4 straight but even that is pushing it. I don't understand how someone could fathom looking at a screen for 12 hours.
Originally Posted by SamDUH562

what the hell
you can die from sitting?
word i heard it all

my mom is a nurse and the other day she was telling me about this guy who died from a bloodclot he got from sitting on a long flight
Originally Posted by SamDUH562

what the hell
you can die from sitting?
word i heard it all
Not uncommon. Happens every so often to passengers on airplanes. They'll sit the entire time on a 12-hour flight, and it's a wrap. There was an episode of Scrubs about this even.

I've gotten close to a full day of gaming on summer vacation before. Wake up call.
Originally Posted by maronandlando

Originally Posted by seniosoul

thats horrible, young man didn't even get 10,000 days in

at least he died doing the thing he loves doing the most.
right when the game said "Killing frenzy" *flatlines.......................

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