E3 Game of Show

  • Forza 7

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • Anthem

    Votes: 12 12.1%
  • Monster Hunter World

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Marvel Vs. Capcom

    Votes: 9 9.1%
  • State of Decay 2

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Cuphead

    Votes: 8 8.1%
  • Call of Duty 2k18

    Votes: 13 13.1%
  • Battlefront 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Crackdown 3

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Far Cry 5

    Votes: 10 10.1%
  • Evil Within 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfenstein 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Metro Exodus

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Destiny 2

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Beyond Good and Evil 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragon Ball Fighter Z

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • Code Vein

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Sea of Thieves

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Southpark 2

    Votes: 5 5.1%
  • Kingdom Hearts 3

    Votes: 10 10.1%

  • Total voters
GOGO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BLUE GRASS HONKY TONK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BALTIMORE HOUSE MUSIC

View media item 2246263is this is cross? is it Christopher Colombus boat flag??? what is this.

Fun fact our flag that's actually a woman not a man. so Middle finger to you!!!
" Sic Semper Tyrannis" - "Thus Always to Tyrants" (meaning come see these handz)

View media item 2246268I dare you to say anything with old bay is better than this sauce on it.

Do you smoke cigarettes?? well you're welcome

our breweries and better.



Just when I think the Warden of Salt can't take his buffoonery to new heights. He goes and spews this nonsense.
FH3 club got 21 members now

We need to run some races as a club see who got dem circuit skills

BC right now im gettin bored as hell with the game
just been doing liveries and auction flipping.
PM me anytime you want to co-op, race, etc.
I love Forza but I am so damn offended at all the cars in FH2 you need to pay actual money for :x :smh:... I assume 3 is the same...
iYen iYen did you play any Division when it was new?
Ive been watching a few streams of the new survival mode and it looks pretty tempting.
Definitely a spin on the setting that should've been included right off the nut
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iYen iYen did you play any Division when it was new?
Ive been watching a few streams of the new survival mode and it looks pretty tempting.
Definitely a spin on the setting that should've been included right off the nut
I played a bit of it on ps4. The shooting mechanics were alright, but the third person controls weren't up to the gears standard. I watched a yt vid on the latest update. The vid made it seem worthy of giving it a 2nd chance.
Division is :pimp: played the beta didnt cop until 1.4 patch since then its been :pimp:

Btw whats the free games this month?
I cant wait until cali breaks off into the ocean


I pray for you every day. Having no thumbs and being the biggest piece of trash in this thread (besides Jewsee) must really take a toll on you.

But then I remember you ride for the East and I don't give a damb if someone pees in your yellow gatorade 8)
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I pray for you every day. Having no thumbs and being the biggest piece of trash in this thread (besides Jewsee) must really take a toll on you.

But then I remember you ride for the East and I don't give a damb if someone pees in your yellow gatorade 8)

I'm watching a game update on my Xbox One right now and it literally looks like watching a download on dialup from the late 90s/early 2000s.

I can't be the only one that's been getting these slow *** downloads and updates on the Xbox One.
Glad to see BF1 has caught up to COD Reheated In the Microwave

That was a lot of wishful thinking based on pure memory by the COD voters

MWR is everything I hoped for.

Only thing I'm disappointed in are the emblems. They're trash.

but other than that, :smokin

Oh that was never in doubt for you, my dude

You the iYen of COD minus the soundtrack videos :rofl:

Not that iYen is, but I don't consider myself a blind fanboy of COD.

I love COD, don't get me wrong- but just like I do with Apple and the iPhone, I'll admit when something is trash or not good.

MWR is great. IW is sometimes unbearable, but at other times sort of fun to play.
Not that iYen is, but I don't consider myself a blind fanboy of COD.

I love COD, don't get me wrong- but just like I do with Apple and the iPhone, I'll admit when something is trash or not good.

MWR is great. IW is sometimes unbearable, but at other times sort of fun to play.
What's crazy is most people that were anticipating MWR the most hated it.

They forgot how campy the original COD games could get at times.
Not that iYen is, but I don't consider myself a blind fanboy of COD.

I love COD, don't get me wrong- but just like I do with Apple and the iPhone, I'll admit when something is trash or not good.

MWR is great. IW is sometimes unbearable, but at other times sort of fun to play.

What's crazy is most people that were anticipating MWR the most hated it.

They forgot how campy the original COD games could get at times.

I found myself raging very hard when I got it. I wanted to enjoy it and do great so bad, but I was so used to the new playing style of boots off the ground, run and gun.

Taking things slower and taking your time really pays off in the old CODs. People aren't used to it anymore.

And of course, when matches turn into an M16-fest, it can make me a bit testy. :lol:
I want somwthing new to play but nothing out interests me
This, I have no interest in any of the games I see other people excited about.

The only thing on the horizon I'm looking out for is the Red Dead sequel and that won't be out for a while.
This, I have no interest in any of the games I see other people excited about.

The only thing on the horizon I'm looking out for is the Red Dead sequel and that won't be out for a while.

Im waiting on the new Mass Effect but that new tom clancy game looked like something i might like. Havent seen nothing about it just was browsing and came across it.
MWR is awesome but i got sick of it really fast esp for Clan matches

im waiting for the other maps to drop was getting sick of playing same maps over and over again

im on 2k heavy tho only game i been on
Finally got thru Horde on Hardcore and didn't have the damb bonus activated :smh:
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