Xbox or PS3...Free $10 Paypal to NT Member

May 26, 2002
I am looking into getting a new system.  I am looking for the following criteria:
1.) Reliability of the system
2.) The better system for Sports Games
3.) Better online play

Also, for you ladies & gents taking your time and giving your input, I am going to raffle $10.00 to a random poster.  I am cutting this off at 12:00 pm tomorrow and will paypal $10.00 to the winner as a sign of appreciation for your help.

Thanks in advance.
PS3 is probably more reliable. It also has free online. But I feel like the 360 online setup is unmatched. Just the format and layout. Personally, I would go for the 360 if you are going to play online a lot since a lot of the people that I would play have Xbox. That's just me though.
ok, I have both systems.

-As far as sports games are concerned, you're better off getting X-box. The graphics are smoother than the ps3
-When it comes to reliability, what are you referring to? I mean I like to use my PS3 for netflix, blu ray and sometimes I can browse online, watch youtube clips, go to NT, etc..
X-box on the other hand, it doesn't really let you browse online. Yeah you can go online but only to play games. You can watch netflix but remember, you also have to pay to go online.
-Better online play...This really depends on what games you're playing. I can see for some sports games, you're better off using X-Box. Other games, i honestly don't see much of a difference. I noticed on my ps3, there can be some lagging issues with sports games like NBA 2k11.
- Overall, PS3 is free to go online, xbox requires you to pay to play games online.

It sounds like you're better off getting the X Box slim if you're into sports games and playing online alot.

the red ring of death is fixed with the slim version now
PS3 All the way

- free online play
-good graphics
-blu-ray player
-no rings of death
-overall more reliable
I'd get the PS3 just off of the Blu-Ray factor alone and the free online.

But if you really are serious about online play, I'd say the few extra bucks for Xbox will work because as stated before, more people play that.
personally i'd say ps3 is definitely more reliable. bought mine in '08 and thing is still banging like a champ.

meanwhile my brother bought an xbox the following year and is now on his 3rd xbox ala red ring o' death.

if you have the proper internet connection then free online gaming>>>
Online play is way better on the 360 and the new kinect ready 360's no longer red ring so you don't have to worry about that happening. i'm not too sure about which system has better sports game but personally i would go with the 360, my girlfriends ps3 actually just had the blu ray player go out (which prevents you from playing games or blu rays) so now its just one big bulky DVD player.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

1) PS3 is more reliable
2) N/A
3) Xbox 360
Pretty much

If the PS3 breaks though, it's a pain to get fixed. Sony charges something like $150 flat for all repairs. Xbox you can usually get it fixed for free/cheaper because they recognize that it has problems.
i say go xbox. i have both, and ive always enjoyed my xbox more. yes, you have to pay for xbox live versus getting the PSN for free but the gameplay online is way smoother on the xbox imo. and the format of the xbox dashboard >>>

do yourself a favor and buy the xbox.
imo i had both at once, i had ps3 first for a couple years and i just xbox this year, sold my ps3 during the outage

1. xbox is more reliable, psn is always down for maintenance

2. if you like baseball psn has mlb the show thats the only difference between the 2 systems for sports genre

3. as far as better online, well other than psn being down a lot for me when i had it for 3 years it was great, but i had xbox a few months and it has never been down...yes you get what you pay for i guess

xbox is getting 12 free espn like channels, also youtube and bing in an upcoming update...also has netflix hulu + and most marketplace games have demos

ps3 has bluray, netflix, hulu+, nfl package for direct tv and hbogo coming up...all on subscriptions of course

when it comes down to having(had) both systems at once the online gameplay between the both are the same imo there has been no advantage in my of duty black ops did play better on the 360 though, so if you have friends who game get what they have if not peep the systems threads and see what nt'ers have what even though most have both
Originally Posted by do work son

i say go xbox. i have both, and ive always enjoyed my xbox more. yes, you have to pay for xbox live versus getting the PSN for free but the gameplay online is way smoother on the xbox imo. and the format of the xbox dashboard >>>

Wait you like the xbox dashboard more than the PS3 one?

The xbox one is too cartoon-y for my liking, everything is in bright colors and giant font. The PS3 one is elegant, has sharp icons/classy font and the little explosion of pixels when you start a game is awesome.
Originally Posted by C o IVI p L e X

Online play is way better on the 360 and the new kinect ready 360's no longer red ring so you don't have to worry about that happening. i'm not too sure about which system has better sports game but personally i would go with the 360, my girlfriends ps3 actually just had the blu ray player go out (which prevents you from playing games or blu rays) so now its just one big bulky DVD player.
Maybe there is an even newer model, but I have an Elite unit that red ringed a few weeks back after having owned it 2 months. 
The new xbox's are pretty reliable. For sports games it's the same for both. Xbox Live> but PS3 does have web browser.
i was one of the ones to camp out for the ps3 back in 06', still have the one i bought more than 4 years ago, still works. I dont pay to play online.
Benefits of xbox, for price you pay for online, the cost goes to supporting the servers so in that sense their online play is a bit better. But honestly I'd stick with the ps3, the standard in gaming
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by do work son

i say go xbox. i have both, and ive always enjoyed my xbox more. yes, you have to pay for xbox live versus getting the PSN for free but the gameplay online is way smoother on the xbox imo. and the format of the xbox dashboard >>>

Wait you like the xbox dashboard more than the PS3 one?

The xbox one is too cartoon-y for my liking, everything is in bright colors and giant font. The PS3 one is elegant, has sharp icons/classy font and the little explosion of pixels when you start a game is awesome.

lol, not to be picky..but i prefer the PS3 dashboard also. Something about the ps3 makes it seem more sophisticated...if that make sense
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by do work son

i say go xbox. i have both, and ive always enjoyed my xbox more. yes, you have to pay for xbox live versus getting the PSN for free but the gameplay online is way smoother on the xbox imo. and the format of the xbox dashboard >>>

Wait you like the xbox dashboard more than the PS3 one?

The xbox one is too cartoon-y for my liking, everything is in bright colors and giant font. The PS3 one is elegant, has sharp icons/classy font and the little explosion of pixels when you start a game is awesome.

different strokes for different folks i suppose
ay you gonna let me in on the fast five thing or what?
Xbox is the way to go, ps3 is more reliable but the xbox has better games and online play
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