XXI Pics - Brought to you by GetHigh420

^^that is bs, credible sources already told us to lean back and relax like ts.

Minor changes and details, not a move like KWest.
Hmmmmm....Very strange...
Of course not what I expected...
Seems different from the past years when pics of Jordans were released....
So far it seems a lot more "conservative"..Like people this year are actually liking them from the start, when like last year, almost the whole entire board gave a million " :x
I agree that it looks like a Rbk shoe, or some other shoe we have seen before...Isn't thereb suppossed to be like a cover that folds down or something?...


Definition for ARFF- A blocked shot or rejection.
Arffinater- One who arffs a lot.
There is no way those are the J XXI, with one of the best designs in almost 7 years in the XX's there is no way JB is going to follow up with that team jordan looking shoe
thanks for sharing the pics. i appreciate it. cant wait to see some better shots in the future. :)

I'm Looking for Jordans in Sizes 8.5
and jordan authentic jerseys in size 48 or 50. Ezinbox me if u have any.
Hey, first off many thanks on behalf of all of NT "GetHigh420" for getting us these pictures. To go to the lengths to get these pitcures and this early is unbelievable and APPRECIATED.

My first reaction to the shoe was a similarity to the XVII and a Team Jordan shoe. Maybe due to the pic quality/not full details, but like another guy said, nothing jumped out at me on this shoe. I always believe if you stick 10 new shoes without brand labels on them and ask me to pick out the new AJ shoe, I'd be able to. But this one just doesn't have that feeling YET...

Maybe that's good though...many NTers have complained about the "space shoes" and futuristic designs of JB. Personally, I love when JB pushes the envelope with a new design but without getting too excessive (lace covers on multiple shoes). It looks like JB with the interchangable 'heel units' has done that, which sounds great.

Thanks for the pics. I got the initial reaction that it looks like reeboks too. I will wait for more detailed pics to be leaked before I have any kind of hard opinion.
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."- George W. Bush

waNtEd: SpAcE JaM's SiZE 11
well, u guys got what you asked for, u didn't want laser, you didn't want lace covers, so what does jb give us? PLAIN :\
i hope this isn't the final product, come on jb where's the creativity? they better have something :eek
if they plan on charging $175 for that shoe
~~They aren't that bad.....I'm so 100% sure.....they will look 1000000X better when we see more pics and colourways.......~~
~~"The sky's the limit. I don't think God limited my talent. He gave me talent and it's up to me to try to keep getting better. I don't know how good I can be, but I know I can be better than I am right now."-AI.~~
They will probably look way better in black
"Pressure? Some People Just Focus, Look at it and Perform Better"- Ray Allen
Is that color on them green or is it really red and cause of the camera it looks green? gethigh, teamwhit eboy? they r a pretty clean looking shoe, wheres the jumpman? also are those soles clear? didnt teamwhit eboy say there would be a better clear sole that doesnt yellow as bad? correct me if im wrong. Thanks again for the pics.
s Central School
#21 Memphis Grizzlies
LilAiPHI, FAT DEEZIE[/center]
i repeat, will not be production xxi's
XIII red/black size 9.5 DS
XVII red/white VVNDS 11
Another thing is it looks like there is no type of "leash" at all...and I thought they were gonna have something like that? And the soles arn't clear unless its just the IPS pods that are.....
Definition for ARFF- A blocked shot or rejection.
Arffinater- One who arffs a lot.
I kind of have the same reaction to these as I did the XVII wear test samples...very boring. Though, I did end up liking the final product.

First RBK bites Nike/JB, now JB bites RBK's ATR. Hahaha, naw, JK. I can't wait to see the final producto ;)

Jordans are for Sportin,
Nikes outperform Mikeys!
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