Jan 2, 2006
I see all these threads from people complaining about their friends and all I can say is they're not really your friends.  Real homies would never complain about eachother on a message board.
Originally Posted by Jerome in the House

Want to be my friend?
Yea I always need new friends 
I've been rolling with the same guys since 1st grade. In 6th grade we added one more. And in high school we added another 3 to the crew. Problems do come up, but since it's family, it's handled in house. I love my dudes to death.
Issues will always come up with people who are in constant contact with each other. If you dropped a friend because things got heavy it would make you the bad friend.
Mother said there is no such thing as friends, always followed her advice.
Thats like saying any marriage where the spouse complains about the other isn't a real marriage. Since all relationships are comprised of people, there will almost always be conflict in that arrangement. That said, sometimes its cool to ask advice from people who have no prior affiliation or background with the person you're clashing with, which is usually hard to find unless you ask strangers.
Originally Posted by SpaceLemonkush

sorry op you don't go around an pick friends it just happens and some of us have to deal with it

the problem is people are quick to call people their friends and don't realize not everyone that knows your name is your friend. You have friends and then you have acquaintances. I have 4 friends 3 of which are from the 5th grade and 1 from maybe 8th. I played football so i have tons of other people that i was close with and would do a lot for but at the end of the day i wouldn't be surprised if they weren't there when i needed them and that's why i would never expect them to be i know who to call if i need something.
the issue is that there are too many lames who post about their problems on here
My best friends have been rolling tough for 20 yrs and we have never had a serious argument in all of those years. People you know you cant count on and will always have your back feels good man but they are very rare.
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