Yall still shoppin at grocery stores tho?

Grocery store 

Only thing I'll make an exception for is fruit. There's these 2 dudes at the weekly market with the most amazing fruit ever.

Like things I've never even heard of, huge fresh watermelons, papayas, ... Everything huge, fresh and better tasting than any other vendor.
this entire ******** episode is awesome.  dude talmbout 'morally' he wanna eat the organic stuff.  that's douchey, that's stupid, that's why i hate peta, that's why i hate snobs in general and that's why i'll stay rockin at the grocery store.  maybe hit up some of those farmers markets with ebt doe 
Thought this was gonna be bout some awesome grocery delivery service, where they actually come in and put your groceries away, or sumn like that....
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Lol vegetarians.

I support the concept of getting local food directly from the source, but I can't support vegetarianism of any form.

For me, it's most practical to hit up the Whole Foods to get my meats. At some point, I'd like to get in on a cow share or something like that, but haven't taken the plunge yet.
Thought this was gonna be bout some awesome grocery delivery service, where they actually come in and put your groceries away, or sumn like that....
ey yo check this out - in balto county where i used to live, every week i'd go online to giant food.  i'd pick out what i wanted (usually planned for a week's worth of food, maybe 100-125 bones), buy it and the next day or day after the food would be delivered in a big styrofoam box with those freezer bar things.  i'd put all the food away and put the box outside and then next week i would order, guy would bring me the food same way and take the old box.  **** was heaven man, i didn't hit the grocery store myself for two years.
You are way behind the times amigo. FreshDirect has been doing it in NY. Most other urban areas have Peapod or something analogous.
PEAPOD!  that's the name of it.  yea **** is legit homie; once you get your groceries delivered you can never go back
My mom shops at organic stores like Whole Foods. Me? Im a regular at WalMart at Fry's 
I wonder if OP grew his own flamesuit.

OP....c'mon son. NT been up on things that your doing before you even though of doing it.
how do you live life without eating anything cooked 

so many great things shes missing out on
Please don't ever refer to meat as "dead animal flesh". As it is eating meat already makes me feel sub-human but when you put it in those terms the shame makes me cry myself to sleep 
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