Aye man, if you can't do it for real, might as well use the doorway 
Never done it or never seen anyone do it, This is actually the first time I see this, Srs.

Seems pretty dumb, but funny at the same time.
Originally Posted by TxRook

Man, this was our thing back in high school. I'm afraid to do it now in high school since I don't really have a solid group of friends like that.
We would dunk on each other at the doorways, next to stop signs, crossing signs, practically anything that could be slapped to make noise.

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by TxRook

Man, this was our thing back in high school. I'm afraid to do it now in high school since I don't really have a solid group of friends like that.
We would dunk on each other at the doorways, next to stop signs, crossing signs, practically anything that could be slapped to make noise.

I meant college
Must be my cue to call it a night
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

This seems like a good way to get your *$% kicked.
You never would have made it out chea pleh-bwoi. 
I was HOF in my hallways 

It was madness after lunch. So many highlights while leaving the cafeteria. 
To this day I remember why I stopped kid dunked on a teacher got 10 days and went to jail to much real life
I remember in another thread about this, AirAnt said cats was damn near sprinting to class to avoid someone riding them to the floor a'la Kemp

I do this daily, when no one can see it of course. I air dribble and do imaginary crossovers almost everyday in my life. The chairs in the kitchen all have broken ankles b/c of me
I'm 30 years old and proud to say I still do this. Especially, when I found out the lock out was over. EVERYONE go it!
Originally Posted by FourReal

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

 I love doing this !!! Sometimes I be doing this to my girl when were walking in the street or were waiting to cross the street at the stop light , i tell her to stand in front of the pedestrian signal and shes like for what ? Im like just stand there , and I just go ahead and run and dunk on her 


what a douche

So what my girls cool we play like that but I do exactly what you seen in those videos to her thats why I can relate to this thread 
Any and everybody used to get yammed on at my house. It be the funniest when you do it to people who never expect it.

Momdukes used to whoop my @** for doing this..
. Left dirty handprints above every door way in my house..
Originally Posted by ayejreeun

Kids?  I'm 20 and I still do this.

came in here to say this. I'm 22 and I still dunk on doorways pretending im russell westbrook going up for a monster jam
I've never dunked "on" anyone because it's obnoxious, but I definitely *$** with the wide open ones.
aww man I still do it but not at work.

I did hit someone with the AI the other day. My hallway at workis dumb narrow and I tried to pass someone but they went the same direction as me. I hit em with the 180 spinback crossover and was gone. dude just shook his head and had that "Well played sir" look on his face.

btw i'm 29. smh
Originally Posted by C Money 88 05

Originally Posted by JR Paperstacks

I stopped dunking "on" people. (good times
) But I still crossover and throw it down...at least 4 times a day.

...hoop dreaming...

oh yea the killer crossover goes DOWN daily at work, IDGAF, I leave trails of broken ankles everywhere I go, I'm sick. I hope I never lose that feeling, I never wanna get too old
Im 23 And I Still Do This From Time To Time

Might Have To Put On The Russ West Jersey This Weekend And Dunk On Everyone

We used to "bam on" cats daily in highschool doorways.
I even caught one of my teachers under the rim with a stack of papers on the way back to class from lunch.
We were both laughing as I was helping gather the papers, but he was the only one laughing when I got
sent to ISS for the rest of the day.
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