Yo for real, should I give my roommate a Colombian Necktie?

Oct 5, 2007
Just playing, but for real this dude has been eating my food! He's a cool dude,but this cat just eats my food without even asking. I was in my room and his homeboy came over and asked if he had anything to eat, son said "Oh yeah, wegot some White Castle in the freezer.", Im thinking "We son? You mean theyre Josh's." luckily son was a tree hugger. I talked to him aboutit and I told him to buy me more and hasnt done it, yet. So fast foward to today, I bought some girl scout cookies (thin mints) and put them in the fridge. Igo to the gym and play some ball and come back and they are half gone. I see his GF walking out from his room eating one and has like 3 in her hand, so Iproceed to ask her where she got them, she stated "Oh, Alex gave them to me.". Should I tell my RA what's good? Anyone have this problem?
If you got a problem, you need to solve it. I mean son's obviously in the wrong, just tell him that you don't want him eating your food, andthere's gonna be problems if he continues to do so. You already gave him a warning.
lmao, i really despise people like that....next time you should lace your food with something so when he steals it, he gets !$%#!* up lol

or you could just beat the %*$% out of him

Son would've got 5 across the eyes if those were my Thin Mints.

But it's just how Jay said: "_ don't get the picture 'til the weapons is drawn..."
^ i was going to suggest both. thats how i dealt with my roommate freshman year.
Naw son killed him on some "Dead Man on Campus" type stuff you don't mess with another mans Girl Scout Cookies
put some visine in your drinks and leave them in the fridge. When he gets sick and has only been eating your food he'd going to stop eating it
1. Wait for roommate to sleep
2. Get a bottle of water
3. Pour it on his crotch area
4. Wait for him to piss his pants
5. Do this for an entire month
6. PROFIT!!!!!!!!
master lock the fridge.

or just eat ALL of his food, take his cloths, books, everything else and hide it. he'll get the point
1. Snatch one of his textbooks.
2. Stash it somewhere he won't find it (your car, if you have one).
3. Wait until the end of quarter/ semester AKA book buy-back period.
4. PROFIT!!!
makes you @!%* like crazy, Supposedly idk i never tried it ..... but did it good to larry the cable guy
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

1. Snatch one of his textbooks.
2. Stash it somewhere he won't find it (your car, if you have one).
3. Wait until the end of quarter/ semester AKA book buy-back period.
4. PROFIT!!!
genius idea!!
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