YO! Has your parent's relationship influenced your relationship(s)?...

Jun 13, 2006
YO! The biz...

I was eating with 2 of my homegirls last week, talking about how I (at 26) have never had a girlfriend. Most of the young women I deal with are friends - somevery close, others just friends. One of them asked what kind of relationship my Mom and Dad had - were they still together, etc.? Itold her that my Mom and Dad were never together (since my birth at least) but they were like best friends; talked nearly every day even after she got married.We all looked at each other like

Then one of them said her relationship with this dude is basically just like her parents, type volatile. I started to think about other people I know and beganto wonder.

So... input?

recently my relationships have been just like my parents'. my raise was married for like 10 yrs then got a divorce outta no where, so err since then myrelationships have been great in the beginning and just ended outta no where.
Memphisboi i remember reading a little while ago about you and the mother of your child and how good things were...(or something like that)
and ant,really?never?
i do everything in my power to make sure my situation is NOTHING like my folks! which is a damn shame
Their relationship just reaffirms and continues to reaffirm that I will never marry a guy like my father.
You know how they say all women want someone like their father or some crazy $%%$ like that.
Not me. So I guess in that way their relationship has influenced me on determining what I don't want and what I wouldn't put up with in a marriage.
I'd love to have something like my grandparent's relationship. Real, true, honest love >>>> all that other BS.
i refuse to let my relationships be like the one my pops is in. I love him to death, but i never want my relationship to by like his. No woman would be allowedto do th things my step mom has done to me and my sisters and get away with it(let alone stay with the *@%!@). With the help of my grandma I have been able tokeep my relationships totally opposite.
Mine recently got divorced, but since i was 22 when they did, it really didnt effect me as much as it would have if I was younger. Its not gonna change myviews on marraige and relationships... i know it can last if its right.
my parents divorced when i was really young. it didn't really phase me because i got to stay with my mom. however, i do have a great relationship with mydad, for the most part, but my mom is my best friend. my parents stayed great friends for along time until my dad remarried and the wife kind of had a problemwith my parents being so close. but they still talk but not as much. as for me since i was raised around primarily strong and single women, i am a lot moreindependent and i hate being told what to do. i hate when a guy says something like why you leave on the lights when youre not in the room or why you buy allthem shoes when they have the same colors. my thing is for the most part my mom supported me in every way and gave me everything i ever needed and almost allof what i wanted, and she did it by herself, without the help of a second income, so it's hard for me to hear a dude say no we can't do this or thatcause you already seen that movie or i dont have the money or tell me something i want is not really necessary.

with all that said. i feel if i ever get in another serious relationship the man will have to be on the same income level or higher than me or it simplywon't work out. not saying i'm a gold digger, cause i will work for mine, but i aint messing with them broke....
and ant,really?never?
Not a one.
You know how they say all women want someone like their father or some crazy $%%$ like that.
That's how I am though. I'm looking for someone like my mother... which may be a whole 'nother issue.

Interestingly though, my brother is married with 2 kids. We have different fathers - his father lives in VA and he & our mom didn't have that much of arelationship. Go figure.

I think its natural for men to search for someone who is like their mother. Its just programmed in your mind as the way a woman should be.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

You know how they say all women want someone like their father or some crazy $%%$ like that.
That's how I am though. I'm looking for someone like my mother... which may be a whole 'nother issue.

Interestingly though, my brother is married with 2 kids. We have different fathers - his father lives in VA and he & our mom didn't have that much of a relationship. Go figure.

Yeah I guess they say the same about guys wanting a woman like their mother. But then again, it just all depends on your parents. If you have aloving and caring mother of course you are going to want a woman with some of the same qualities your mom has. Because she is the first woman you have seen andhave been around all your life. You want someone like that. If things are good between you and her.

But for me I don't have a problem with my dad it's just the way he handles/handled his relationships with both his spouse and children, I wouldn'twant the same.
All of my relationships, with the exclusion of one, have been too short to really develop anything.

Just like my mother and father's own.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

and ant,really?never?
Not a one.


Nah you cant be serious,theirs gotta be that one girl back in middle school when it was like for like a week...
But you seem like coolest dude on earth (no riding),is it you or is it them?
My parents got divorced before i was 1 so i didnt feel as it was a dramatic impact on my life because it's all i've known. Stayed with my mom when iwas growing up, i was surrounded by strong females (Mom, sister, Grandmother) so in turn i think i was looking for a strong female to be with, which i'mwith now....sort of lol.

Has it influenced my own relationship(s)...i think it has because i'm trying not to make the same mistakes my parents made but things happen and thingsfall apart. Funny thing is my dad keeps trying to give me advice but i'm like "Dad you've been married 3 times, why in the hell would i wantadvice from you" we both chuckle then he gets all
, then i proceed to laugh some more at his expense.
To stay on topic:
Nah not really,my parents got divorced the year i was born,and my mom came to the U.S that same year.smh
Gonna leave a baby like that with a poor father,financially that is..with 2 other kids (2,4) at the time....
My relationships never reflect theirs cause theirs is horrible.
I came to the U.S to live with my mom in 2000 but i still resent her for leaving me/us...
My neighborhood had family influences,grandmother,and aunt on my moms side and uncle on my dads side but never really a mom,untill my stepmom came along..
Im not really the best at these kinda things but my longest relationship was 7 months...
girl was too much like my mother,too strong..i love a strong women but it comes to the point where it has to end...
My mom till this day never admits that she needs help,or that shes wrong.
I hope that when it's all said and done my relationship will be like my parents. they have been married for 24 years now and been together even longer.Like Ant said I'm wanting someone like my dad. He's a pretty great dude so any future husband I have has a lot to live up to. I really can't seemyself accepting less than that. That's kind of a fear I have. that I might settle for good when I know great is out there.

I'm young and I know my dad isn't the same man he is now that he was when he was my age so that's something I think about too when it comes torelationships, and giving people chances.

Me and my dad are like best friends so I guess it makes sense that way.
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

I hope that when it's all said and done my relationship will be like my parents. they have been married for 24 years now and been together even longer. Like Ant said I'm wanting someone like my dad. He's a pretty great dude so any future husband I have has a lot to live up to. I really can't see myself accepting less than that. That's kind of a fear I have. that I might settle for good when I know great is out there.

I'm young and I know my dad isn't the same man he is now that he was when he was my age so that's something I think about too when it comes to relationships, and giving people chances.

Me and my dad are like best friends so I guess it makes sense that way.
Your a female?

No pun intended....
Nah my parents are still together after like 22 years I think it is. I feel bad for those people who's parents got divorced and where raised by asingle parent.
Originally Posted by fiendxxx

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

I hope that when it's all said and done my relationship will be like my parents. they have been married for 24 years now and been together even longer. Like Ant said I'm wanting someone like my dad. He's a pretty great dude so any future husband I have has a lot to live up to. I really can't see myself accepting less than that. That's kind of a fear I have. that I might settle for good when I know great is out there.

I'm young and I know my dad isn't the same man he is now that he was when he was my age so that's something I think about too when it comes to relationships, and giving people chances.

Me and my dad are like best friends so I guess it makes sense that way.
Your a female?

No pun intended....
Where is the pun

Yes I am female.
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by fiendxxx

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

I hope that when it's all said and done my relationship will be like my parents. they have been married for 24 years now and been together even longer. Like Ant said I'm wanting someone like my dad. He's a pretty great dude so any future husband I have has a lot to live up to. I really can't see myself accepting less than that. That's kind of a fear I have. that I might settle for good when I know great is out there.

I'm young and I know my dad isn't the same man he is now that he was when he was my age so that's something I think about too when it comes to relationships, and giving people chances.

Me and my dad are like best friends so I guess it makes sense that way.
Your a female?

No pun intended....
Where is the pun

Yes I am female.

I don't know..
But you know how it is, people make puns out of anything these days.
I didn't know NT had any female mods.
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