Yo NT, my mom effed up. PICS

Nov 25, 2005
So I just came home from work and there was a guy leaving the house: Mexican about 5'8" looking extra happy like Glen Davis. Anyway I come in thehouse and ask my mom who that was and she said it was a salesman. Turns out she just spent $1800 on a damn vacuum cleaner. The salesman probably made a hellof a pitch if he managed to sell a vacuum that expensive. Damn, so we have a nice 18 inch television using our 7 year old playstation as our dvd player yet wehave a 1800 dollar vacuum cleaner, I'm stunting on you foos.

that first sentence threw me of a bit...
damn. i found a kirby at a thrift shop. paid $16 bucks for it.. from the '70s. they last forever. but i would go with a dyson.
Can't believe there's a thread about this..
One of them dudes came to my house pitching this very vac, I was in the background wearing the reluctant look.
Funny though, that was about three or four years ago, despite its old fashioned look mom dukes says its the best we used, still uses it today...
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