Yo NT seriou talk, my butthole hurts vol. no #*$%

I'm so proud of this thread. Not the topic. That %%+! sounds nasty man you should've kept that to yourself. I'm talkinbout all the serious replies and people trying to help.
Itching of the @%@$. I've heard it can from a very firm bowel movement, a friend of mine just mentioned she's had a few patients come in complaining about it.

From what she explained, essentially when your bowel movement is extremely firm, it can tear the tissue when coming out. And essentially the itching you're feeling is the tiny little opening of the wound. Nothing major, easy fix.

What you should do (the child in me wants to laugh while tying some of this- but hey, here's her advice) is wash the area throughly with a soap bar like Dettol. Then run a bath with just enough water to cover your legs. Add lots of SALT into the water, sit in it for a while and chill.

Then try and change your diet a bit, make sure you're eating some salads/lettuce and drink more water to try and ensure your bowel movements are more loose.

I'm no medical doctor, but my friend (amongst a few) is...that's her recommendation.
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