yo nt theres someone in my backyard .. *update on page 4*

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by The R0yal Family

how u got a backyard and u live in an apartment?
here i took a pic for you lol

pic of ninjahoods room from the outside?


Dear Crank Lucas,

You were once one of NT'S standout members, providing countless laughs for those trapped at their cubicles for hours. Making some of the best .gifs andjokes but lately you've become Dane Cook. Stop forcing the funny it's not working.

Yours Truly,

Originally Posted by SKYFLYDUl

yell "OH HELL NAW" as loud as you can and go run out ready to layeth the smacketh down

I don't know why I'm cracking up reading this, haha.
Invest in a bat metal or wood. My house has an alarm, but I still keep a bat in my room for anyone who has the balls to get cracked up side the head. Shoot, Ikeep a bat in the back seat of my car, and brass knuckles on my key ring.
Originally Posted by r0biiin

The one that got away is gonna get you for calling the cops.


That's what I was thinking.......OP you're finished! Get a bat, get two bats!!
Originally Posted by Whateversclever


Alright so i started to hear my fire escape making sounds... I didnt want to stick my head out the window, because what if he had a gun lol

so i went to the roof.. and threw bottles at him (i drink on my roof sometimes so theres alot of empty bottles in there)

the cops had just arrived and they saw a car drive off... that car apparently was going to be used for when the robbers were done.

one of the dudes was caught because his pants had gotten stuck on the fence.. you can see in the pic provided that the fence has like spikes.. and his pants were stuck on it.

they found 2 guns and a knife on the dude.

the one in the car got away but 2 dudes got arrested.

the throwing bottles had me
for some reason.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Ducktales or not OP is pathetic. I hope someone takes all your stuff since you are unwilling to defend it.

righhhhhttttttttt because im just supposed to go unarmed against 3 robbers. $%!@
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