Yo NT! Whats Your Sign?

Scorpio.. ladies love it
I told this girl the other day that I was a scorpio and she couldn't believe it. Today she said that Scorpios go well together with other scorpios. Shes a scorpio. Does that mean she wants the D?
^ Si papi.

I'm Aquarius. I let females tell me what all that means. I have no clue

I just read up on the traits of sagittarius people simply because of this thread. Im in tears laughing at some of this stuff because its so true..
I told this girl the other day that I was a scorpio and she couldn't believe it. Today she said that Scorpios go well together with other scorpios. Shes a scorpio. Does that mean she wants the D?
A. She wants the D

B. She a damn lie. Scorpios together is like lighting a kerosene barrel bruh. Belee dat.
scorpio , i left my girl for a scorpio who pulled a scorpio on me and left me , im now talking to a scorpio again....i dont believe in anything supernatural , i dont believe in religion , ghosts none of that .....but there has to be something with what time of the year people are born ... mad weird how the people are ussually the character that their sign represents....first try with scorpio & scorpio didnt work ......ill update with this one as it develops lol.
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Apparently we don't go well together. It's a constant struggle for dominance. I don't buy into astrology too much, though. I used to smash a girl that's a Scorpio. She would have little fits, but she'd always pipe down when piped down.
I told this girl the other day that I was a scorpio and she couldn't believe it. Today she said that Scorpios go well together with other scorpios. Shes a scorpio. Does that mean she wants the D?

She want's the D

Scorpio and Scorpio
When two Scorpions make a love match, it is a fierce tempest of intense passion. Both are obsessed with one another, and they move forward in love, sex and romance at an accelerated — some would say foolish — way. Personal relations are positively steamy but, to the equal and opposite extreme, disputes will also be frenetically powerful. This relationship could go either way: It will either be the most wonderful thing in the world or a destruction of both involved.

Pisces here March Baby haha don't ever date a Gemini chick those ******* are 2faced as hell

same signs usually isnt a good match though. it can definitely work but i dont think it would be the best match. it has more to do with your overall chart, not just the sun signs.

most chicks only know the cat lady astrology
Leo and 90% of all my ex-girlfriends have birthdays in the first two weeks of October.

I don't even know what that means. No mas Libras. No mas.
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