Yo Nt you bored or can't sleep right now?

Scared of scorpions...

Got stung the other night, don't want to feel that again...

I got class at 7, damn I'mma be tired.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Scared of scorpions...

Got stung the other night, don't want to feel that again...

I got class at 7, damn I'mma be tired.
You never answered my question
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Scared of scorpions...

Got stung the other night, don't want to feel that again...

I got class at 7, damn I'mma be tired.
You never answered my question

Oh okay I see it...

Scorpions are actually able to slip through openings as small as 1/16th of an inch...

So in other words anything you close, is still big enough for them to get through. I mean these things hide underneath rocks in the day....

You could step on em and they'll probably not even feel it.

They climb everything, they're VERY good at that. They prefer climbing hard surfaces but beds are still doable. They can live up to 6 weeks on simplywater...

So if they're in your house, you'll probably never notice them unless they run right in front of you. They're VERY fast. When I see one I have tokeep me eye on it the whole time for the kill. If I look away its gone.
Stranger: yes or no?
You: no?
Stranger: ................................________
.....................,?........................... ...........................\,
.................../.................................................. .........,}
................./.................................................. ....,:`^`..}
.............../.................................................. .,:"........./
..............?.....__............................ .............:`.........../
.........../(_...."~,_........"~,_....................,:`..... ..._/
...........((.....*~_......."=-._......";,,./`..../"............../ YOU LOST THE GAME %%%%@!
...,,,___.\`~,......"~.,....................`..... }............../
,,_..........}.>-._\...................................|........... ...`=~-,
................................`:,,.............. .............`\..............__
........................................_\........ ..._,-%.......`\
Stranger: the answer was banana
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Originally Posted by Sugahill19

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Maybe you should respond to his IM....
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Scared of scorpions...

Got stung the other night, don't want to feel that again...

I got class at 7, damn I'mma be tired.
You never answered my question

Oh okay I see it...

Scorpions are actually able to slip through openings as small as 1/16th of an inch...

So in other words anything you close, is still big enough for them to get through. I mean these things hide underneath rocks in the day....

You could step on em and they'll probably not even feel it.

They climb everything, they're VERY good at that. They prefer climbing hard surfaces but beds are still doable. They can live up to 6 weeks on simply water...

So if they're in your house, you'll probably never notice them unless they run right in front of you. They're VERY fast. When I see one I have to keep me eye on it the whole time for the kill. If I look away its gone.

Yo thats nuts! Maybe because im a brotha but im absolutely terrified by flying roaches but I'll take those over scorpions...wth.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Scared of scorpions...

Got stung the other night, don't want to feel that again...

I got class at 7, damn I'mma be tired.
You never answered my question

Oh okay I see it...

Scorpions are actually able to slip through openings as small as 1/16th of an inch...

So in other words anything you close, is still big enough for them to get through. I mean these things hide underneath rocks in the day....

You could step on em and they'll probably not even feel it.

They climb everything, they're VERY good at that. They prefer climbing hard surfaces but beds are still doable. They can live up to 6 weeks on simply water...

So if they're in your house, you'll probably never notice them unless they run right in front of you. They're VERY fast. When I see one I have to keep me eye on it the whole time for the kill. If I look away its gone.

Yo thats nuts! Maybe because im a brotha but im absolutely terrified by flying roaches but I'll take those over scorpions...wth.
Yo fam no lie I started yelling like I got shot when I saw that @(# on my shorts...

I took those shorts off and ran straight into the bathroom naked,hopped in the shower on some scared @(#....

My girl killed it. She's my hero
Stranger: Hello.
You: what's up!
Stranger: I am a Satanist.
You: I'm a catholic
You: but I think satanist are interesting
Stranger: It is interesting
You: what's the deal with your religion or w/e it is
Stranger: We believe that Lucifer is of a higher spiritual understanding then your God.
Stranger: But we in no way debunk your God and fully accept that you may worship as you so choose.
Stranger: Satan understands.
You: oh okay fasho. I understand
You: but how was lucifer created?
Stranger: He was an angel in God's kingdom, as the Bible will tell you.
Stranger: But he tried to rebel and was cast down into the depths of Hell.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi this is Wes from E46fanatics. I can haz more sex with Boxxy?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Possible NT'er?
You: Wazzupppp wazupppp wazzupppppppppp
Stranger: asl
Stranger: do it now
You: you sick !+##
Stranger: 8==========D
You: that's no way to talk to a 15 year old girl
Stranger: lol
Stranger: you aren't a fifteen year old girl
Stranger: you're chris hansen
You: uh huh
You: lol that guy on tv? He's hot
Stranger: that's you lol
You: wanna come to my house, I'll make cookies! lols
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: NT?

Stranger: hey

You: yes or no?

Stranger: no

You: you lost

You: …………………………..,-------------------------------------,…..,---------,…………….,---------,……..,-----------------------------------,
…………………………..||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||||…..|||||||||||||||…………….|||||||||||| ||……..||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||| ||||||
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Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Scared of scorpions...

Got stung the other night, don't want to feel that again...

I got class at 7, damn I'mma be tired.
You never answered my question

Oh okay I see it...

Scorpions are actually able to slip through openings as small as 1/16th of an inch...

So in other words anything you close, is still big enough for them to get through. I mean these things hide underneath rocks in the day....

You could step on em and they'll probably not even feel it.

They climb everything, they're VERY good at that. They prefer climbing hard surfaces but beds are still doable. They can live up to 6 weeks on simply water...

So if they're in your house, you'll probably never notice them unless they run right in front of you. They're VERY fast. When I see one I have to keep me eye on it the whole time for the kill. If I look away its gone.

Yo thats nuts! Maybe because im a brotha but im absolutely terrified by flying roaches but I'll take those over scorpions...wth.
Yo fam no lie I started yelling like I got shot when I saw that @(# on my shorts...

I took those shorts off and ran straight into the bathroom naked, hopped in the shower on some scared @(#....

My girl killed it. She's my hero

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