Yo... This Album Is A CLASSIC (Vol. Nz On The Run Eatin)

Jun 1, 2008

After Capone had been locked up for sometime, obviously Noreaga had to try his hand @ a solo career... Still hot off the Classic debut The War Report, Nore's solo debut N.O.R.E. hit the streets in the summer of 1998...

For those that remember Spring/Summer of 98 was  GREAT time for hip hop (More specifically east coast #$+% ), Pun's debut dropped the last week of April... DMX's debut dropped 3 weeks later... Followed by N.O.R.E. which was released July 14th JUST in time for the summer cookouts and block parties... (Cam'ron's debut dropped the following week if ANYone cares)...

Noreaga, obviusly not as talented as some of his peers when it comes to lyrics made up for all his lyrical shortcummings with A+ entertainment value, and GREAT production throughout his debut...

"Banned From TV" (Feat. Nature, Big Pun, Cam'ron, Jadakiss & Styles P)

For the most part Swizz was unknown, of course DMX's album was out there and buzzin like crazy in the streets but from my recolection Nore was the FIRST non Ruff Ryder affiliated MC to have one of his beats on an album (Fact check??)... This is one of the BEST crew records on the 90s... With some of the main stars of the class of 98 shoving their way into position... Nature just bodies the joint (its a shame he didnt get to drop in 98/99 with the rest of those cats)... Big Pun does what he does on the joint, Cam'ron comes in with that ******ed flow he perfected some years later, then you have one of the BEST tag teams in hip hop history, Jadakiss and Styles P... Oh yea Nore rapped on here too

"I Love My Life" (Feat. Carl Thomas)

I used to listen to this joint for HOURS... back2back2back... this is MY #$+%... I *** with this joint... That's all


The first single... This joint is dope, produced by the ONCE popular TrackMasters... Video was coo too


Yea this joint is DOPE... Get recylced lyrics from The Firm album courtesy of Nature, and its about something EVERY man enjoys...

"It's Not A Game" (Feat. Maze & Musslini)

Besides "I Love My Life", I've prolly spent the MOST time listenin to this joint... Its just DOPE, the piano just gives me chills, has that vintage NY sound to it thats absent in most of the east coast music of today

"Fiesta" (Feat. Kid Capri)

Never liked this joint.

"40 Island" (Feat. Musslini & Kool G Rap)

Remake of the classic G Rap record "Rikers Island"... Marly Marl dusted iff his beat machine to recreate this joint, which was nice to see... Basically a cautionary tale on how NOT to end up on Rikers Island (or jain in general), basically has all 3 MCs sharing their personal stories from their stays on the island... Much like the word on the street you get to hear how wild the 4 building his, C73 & C74... Back when G Rap was younger I'm sure the Island was WILD, cause they ain't have medal detectors like they do now...

"Way We Live" (Feat. Chico DeBarge)

Back in 98 having Chico DeBarge on a song was actually a good thing... It works here, the sample is on point, and the joint is just DOPE... Ain't nothin really left to say, I bump this joint a lot and almost got a FEW speeding tickets on freeway to this joint.

"The Change"

More of a vintage CNN sounded record... Joint is DOPE, the chorus is a lil suspect, but when you've been bumpin this album faithfully for 12 years its not really anything that's gonna bother you too much... I mean its Nore afterall...

"Super Thug"

One of the early Neptunes productions that I remember (besides the Mase joint)... This took a while to get used to cause this joint just comes out of nowhere on the album, but its energetic, used to get parties REAL hype back when it first dropped... And it features Noreaga with his straight randon bull #$+% flow... Talkin bout Cocker Spaniels
... Rin laps around the English Channel

"Da Story" (Feat. Maze)

This is back to the vintage CNN sound... features Nore telling a pretty entertaining story... The intro is funny... "%#$!% aint got no panties ooonnnnnn"... Then he's talkin about pissing on the Ns walls
. Noreaga is a DAMN fool... This beat is just DANGEROUS....

"Mathematics" (esta loca)

Another one of my personal favorite songs... EVER

"The Assingment" (Feat. Busta Rhymes & Spliff Starr)

This joint is DANGEROUS... The production is just crazy, I really miss records like this

"Body in The Trunk" (Feat. NaS)

Another GREAT story telling track... This one features Gods Son himself (before Nore hit him with the flower pot
 )... But ANYway, if you DIDN'T like The Firm album don't go up to Noreaga @ the mall and tell him about it... More times then not, he'll kill you, stuff you in the trunk and take you over to NaS crib so he can figuire out where to dispose of you...

Back they said:

4 Mics (out of 5) - ...Noreaga proves...that he can hang with the rest of the lyrical masterminds that have come outta the illustrious borough....It's his signature characteristic, his language...Rap Pages (9/98, p.119) - 4 (out of 5) - ...Noreaga maintains his post and continues to report from the streets with his choppy, stutter-step, spit-in-your-face delivery...
The Source  (08/01/1998)

4 (out of 5) - ...Noreaga maintains his post and continues to report from the streets with his choppy, stutter-step, spit-in-your-face delivery...
Rap Pages  (09/01/1998)

AllMusic.com - 4/5
What I Say Now:
Guest Apperences:

This album doesn't really get its due, but what Noreaga did with this album was somewhat follow nthe blueprint laid by BIG, and that was to basically STILL make East Coast music, but understand that the music had to have some type of cross over success not only for radio and marketing purposes, but to also take in influences from other regions and continue to make good music... He could've easily went in the studio and just remade the War Report with 16 joints that sound as east coast as anything out there, but instead opted to get a sound that was a lil more universally accepted... Its a no wonder that this is his most successful album to date ( and the ways things are goin I doubt that's gonna change)

This album DESERVES to be mentioned with the Capital Punishment's, Its Dark & Hell Is Hot categorey, because not only did they share the same calender year, they ALL stood up for the east coast and the expansion of the sound of the music being made in NY, all albums were commercially successful, and all are cult classics on the street level... Obvisously its much cooler to praise Captial Punishment cause Pun's dead, and no ones wants to seem as if they wern't the biggest fan of a dead guy, then of course DMX #$+% sold like 4.5 million copies and set the world a blaze, but as far as musically speaking, N.O.R.E. is just as strong a debut as Pun and X #$+%...


YES... And if you don't think so you're an idiot
Not even going to stunt, I have never really felt compelled to listen to a NORE solo album.

In the immortal words of Nas: "Nore, step your rap game up" I'll DL and give it a try, but I don't possibly understand how this could be a classic while IWW, Supreme Clientele aren't.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I don't possibly understand how this could be a classic while IWW & Supreme Clientele aren't.


   N.O.R.E. > Athlete's foot > Supreme Cleintele > Please Hammer Don't Hurt'em > IWW

Contrary to popular belief via NT, not EVERYone enjoyed SC or IWW, and I'm a HUGE fan of both artists (certainly much more of a fan of them, then Noreaga)...  

Not even going to stunt, I have never really felt compelled to listen to a NORE solo album
But you sat through Supreme Clientle & IWW without contemplating suicide??...

What kind of world are we living in...
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

N.O.R.E. > Athlete's foot > Supreme Cleintele > Please Hammer Don't Hurt'em > IWW

Not even going to stunt, I have never really felt compelled to listen to a NORE solo album
But you sat through Supreme Clientle & IWW without contemplating suicide??...

What kind of world are we living in...

GTFOHWTBS Nay... This mog said

"Put the bogey out in your face. Now your face laced like ash tray face"

This is what you defend Charlie???
Pretty solid/dope album. Easily his best solo joint. Nore held his own at a time when the competition was strong.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

N.O.R.E. > Athlete's foot > Supreme Cleintele > Please Hammer Don't Hurt'em > IWW

Not even going to stunt, I have never really felt compelled to listen to a NORE solo album
But you sat through Supreme Clientle & IWW without contemplating suicide??...

What kind of world are we living in...

GTFOHWTBS Nay... This mog said

"Put the bogey out in your face. Now your face laced like ash tray face"

This is what you defend Charlie???

I suppose that's no worse than:
Scientific, my hand kissed it
Robotic let's think optimistic
You probably missed it, watch me dolly %@%# it
Scotty watty cop it to me, big microphone hippie
Hit Poughkepsie crispy chicken verbs throw up a stone richie
Chop the O, sprinkle a lil' snow inside a Optimo
Swing the John McEnroe, rap rock'n'roll
Tidy Bowl, gung-ho pro, Starsky with the gumsole
Hit the rump slow, parole kids, live Rapunzel
but Ton' stizzy really high, the vivid laser eye guide
Jump in the Harley ride, Clarks I freak a lemon pie
I'm bout it, bout it - Lord forgive me, Ms. Sally shouted
Tracey got shot in the face, my house was overcrowded
You fake cats done heard it first
On how I %++%$*$ on your turf
at times, Cuban Link verse yo
Check out the rap kingpin, summertime fine jewelry drippin
Face in the box, I seen your ear twitchin
As soon as I drove off, Cap' came to me with three sawed-offs
Give one to Rae', let's season they broth
Lightning rod fever heaters, knock-kneeder Sheeba for hiva
Diva got rocked from the receiver bleeder
Portfolio, lookin fancy in the pantry
My man got bigger dimes son, your %@%% is scampi
Base that, throw what's in your mouth, don't waste that
See Ghost lampin in the throne with King Tut hat
Straight off
What in GODs name is he talkin about?? That is just ******ed... If I smoked 7 or 8 cocaine blunts and listened to Ghistface talk non stop for 45 minutes about what he's gonna do with his Wallabees this summer that MIGHT make a little bit of sense...

But it still wouldn't be good...


Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

I'd rather listen to DI2 than Nore.
Now that's just dumb

I've never even heard this album in its entirety...I'll check it out...but better than SC?  damn
nore was never a good rapper.. there's no denying that. the war report is the only album i'll even entertain as being a classic even though it's NOT.. but CNN's timing is what pretty much gained them all of these accolades. the war report dropped at a time when hard NY rap was pretty much on the way out (same with DMX) so when this dropped, it was like an oasis. but nore has always sucked at rapping, dog.. there isn't one nore verse you can quote and have anyone be amazed at. he's like a NYC gucci mane with hard beats.. they both have that sort of "cool kid in special ed" rapper swag to them.
Originally Posted by WE GET MONEY

So you are just going to disregard the classic War Report and damn solid Reunion albums?

Cause thats not Nore... That CAPONE N Nore... Thats like trying to count Outkast albums as 3Stacks albums, I'm going to tell you to get your head out of your **!.  I couldn't discredit those 2 CNN albums if I wanted to, my heart wouldn't allow me to do it.  But that bull **@% that Noreiga put out... ALL DAY G!!!  I remember buying it when I came out and thinking it was cool, but I couldn't listen to more than 3-5 songs on this album today if you paid me.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by WE GET MONEY

So you are just going to disregard the classic War Report and damn solid Reunion albums?

Cause thats not Nore... That CAPONE N Nore... Thats like trying to count Outkast albums as 3Stacks albums, I'm going to tell you to get your head out of your **!.  I couldn't discredit those 2 CNN albums if I wanted to, my heart wouldn't allow me to do it.  But that bull **@% that Noreiga put out... ALL DAY G!!!  I remember buying it when I came out and thinking it was cool, but I couldn't listen to more than 3-5 songs on this album today if you paid me.

So you think Nore is TRASH, but you're giving Capone credit??... 
but I couldn't listen to more than 3-5 songs on this album today if you paid me.
Body In The Trunk??
I Love My Life??
Banned From TV??
Da Story??
Its Not A Game??
40 Island??
Please Hammer Don't Hurt'em > IWW

Nay you a character E, I swear to god
. There is no defending that comment tho, Airpenny deaded you. If you consider this album a classic, then you no longer have a leg to stand on (not to say youre opinion held weight anyway)...and thats not to say this album aint hard either, cuz it is. But the Carl Thomas "Live Your Life" from the next album > anything on this imo.

I will say though, the production quality of youre threads be ill. Complete with pics, carefully contructed font-sizes and all....
WR was a classic because of Tragedy ghostwriting.........NORE is alright but not even close to Puns or Xs debuts
Originally Posted by SDS45

WR was a classic because of Tragedy ghostwriting.........NORE is alright but not even close to Puns or Xs debuts

A) Agree
B) Disagree
C) Strongly Agree
D) Strongly Disagree
EZFlash26 wrote:

Please Hammer Don't Hurt'em > IWW

Nay you a character E, I swear to god
. There is no defending that comment tho, Airpenny deaded you. If you consider this album a classic, then you no longer have a leg to stand on (not to say youre opinion held weight anyway)...and thats not to say this album aint hard either, cuz it is
Help The Children > If I Ruled The World
Have You Seen Her > Street Dreams
Black Is Black > Black Girl Lost
Crime Story > The Message
Pray > I Gave You Power

Yeah I bought this album back when it came out and don't regret it
Lotta bangers

Never checked out that latest CNN album tho... the one with "Rotate" on it I think??

Nore was decent, but when he dropped that turd known as Melvin Flynt Da Hustlah, i stopped listening ...from that moment, only Nore track I gave listen to was that premier joint from the reunion
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by WE GET MONEY

So you are just going to disregard the classic War Report and damn solid Reunion albums?

Cause thats not Nore... That CAPONE N Nore... Thats like trying to count Outkast albums as 3Stacks albums, I'm going to tell you to get your head out of your **!.  I couldn't discredit those 2 CNN albums if I wanted to, my heart wouldn't allow me to do it.  But that bull **@% that Noreiga put out... ALL DAY G!!!  I remember buying it when I came out and thinking it was cool, but I couldn't listen to more than 3-5 songs on this album today if you paid me.

So you think Nore is TRASH, but you're giving Capone credit??... 
but I couldn't listen to more than 3-5 songs on this album today if you paid me.
Body In The Trunk??
I Love My Life??
Banned From TV??
Da Story??
Its Not A Game??
40 Island??


And I'm not giving CAPONE credit... I'm giving CNN credit together they dropped 2 very dope lp's... by themselves they've each dropped the soap.
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