Yo what's better to get now ? PS3 or XBOX 360 ?

Oct 5, 2006
I know more PS3 games will come out next year but after playing Assassin Creed on Xbox 360 Im officially hooked.
I only got 500 cash to spend. What would be a better choice for now ? Xbox360 or PS3 ?
playing these cool new games make me feel like a little kid in a candy store all over again

halo 3
gta iv
cod 4
*** creed
xbox live

need I say more? PS3 just isn't worth it for me. I would consider a ps3 JUST as a blu-ray player not a gaming system. Thats my take.
good thing you made this thread, because it's never been discussed before.
Get whatever system you will use more. I use my PS3 for games, blu-ray, and other media options.

good thing you made this thread, because it's never been discussed before.

I was also stuck with this question of whether to cop a PS3 or XBOX360.

The free online play is what really lured me into buying the PS3. That and I didn't want to deal with the hassle of the "rings of death".
Originally Posted by Purple Face

I was also stuck with this question of whether to cop a PS3 or XBOX360.

The free online play is what really lured me into buying the PS3. That and I didn't want to deal with the hassle of the "rings of death".
I think it's hilarious that this thread pops up 3 times a week, and I always seem to see the same people in every thread

But I'm a PS3 guy myself, all I gotta say is =
You wont buy a bad system either way. its just that they each have their pros and cons, so you gotta research them and figure out what each one has to offer toyou.
I recently bought a 360 because of playing COD 4 at my cousins house. I was hooked. Even though I was planning on buying a PS3 for the Blu-Ray...I wasn'tconvinced that there were plenty of games that led me to buy a PS3. Xbox has already tons of games that are great for everyone. One week after buying my Xbox,I have to say I am happy with it.
Originally Posted by iKhanh


halo 3
gta iv
cod 4
*** creed
xbox live

need I say more? PS3 just isn't worth it for me. I would consider a ps3 JUST as a blu-ray player not a gaming system. Thats my take.
Originally Posted by iKhanh


halo 3
gta iv
cod 4
*** creed
xbox live

need I say more? PS3 just isn't worth it for me. I would consider a ps3 JUST as a blu-ray player not a gaming system. Thats my take.

you probably should if that's your reasoning.
I had this same question myself, here's my reasoning behind getting a PS3
- Rings of Death
- Free Online (didn't even know that thanks Purple Face)
- Blu-Ray
- Is only going to get way way way better
need I say more? PS3 just isn't worth it for me. I would consider a ps3 JUST as a blu-ray player not a gaming system. Thats my take.
A guy at bestbuy told me if u want blu ray get a blu ray with one job only to play movies. He said the Blu Ray in the ps3 is not as near as goodas a blu ray player becuz theres so much other stuff in a ps3 that makes t complex, gaming, online, ect. it all takes away the qaulity of the blu ray picture.So DO NOT get a ps3 just to play blue ray just get the player itself
Oh man, not again.. This is so stupid.. Whatever you think, neither system is hands down better than the other..
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

need I say more? PS3 just isn't worth it for me. I would consider a ps3 JUST as a blu-ray player not a gaming system. Thats my take.
A guy at bestbuy told me if u want blu ray get a blu ray with one job only to play movies. He said the Blu Ray in the ps3 is not as near as good as a blu ray player becuz theres so much other stuff in a ps3 that makes t complex, gaming, online, ect. it all takes away the qaulity of the blu ray picture. So DO NOT get a ps3 just to play blue ray just get the player itself

Wrong. The PS3 is hands down the best BD player. It can update through the net, unlike any stand alone players. It also loads faster than stand aloneplayers. I would say get the 360 now. Too many good games. Get the PS3 after it's proven itself.
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