You can't win, even Tropicana Orange Juice contains junk

Nov 20, 2003
(Reuters) - A California woman is suing the maker of Tropicana claiming it is squeezing consumers by touting the best-selling U.S. orange juice as "100% pure and natural" when it is not.

In her federal lawsuit, plaintiff Angelena Lewis said Tropicana Products Inc, knowing consumers "want and demand natural products," deceives them in its advertising and packaging for its Pure Premium juice, including cartons featuring an orange with a straw stuck into it.

Lewis said the unit of PepsiCo Inc actually puts the juice through extensive processing, adding aromas and flavors that change its "essential nature" and give it a longer shelf life.

I read about the chemicals Trop uses to prolong shelf life and help with their bottom line. Disgusting. Even when you try to drink and eat healthy, they're loading foods and juices with garbage. Sick. Who knows what we're feeding our bodies?

It's gonna have to be strictly water and 40oz. From here on out
I knew they added stuff in there just by the taste, it doesnt taste like freshly squeezed OJ you make at home
>>tropicana anyway.
they can put what ever cancer causing smallpox bs they want in this, i'm still drinking it until im 6 feet under 
Simply isn't compromised is it?

If you love OJ you can tell something was up with Tropicana, it always had a sour acidic taste that was absent in Simply OJ.
EDIT: ^Whyhello knows whats up.
If the controlling company is Coke or Pepsi you can be sure that it's not going to be healhty for you.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

>>tropicana anyway.
they can put what ever cancer causing smallpox bs they want in this, i'm still drinking it until im 6 feet under 
They can put w/e they want in this, it's already filled with crack
you guys do know all orange juices are made like that right? they store the juice for a year in huge tanks where it looses its flavor and i think color? then when they are ready to fill bottles they add flavoring and what not to it.

100% natural juice
keywords: shelf life

you act like a company is capable of mass producing hand squeezed orange juice everyday, then transporting it to the store, and have it fly off the racks with its 3 day shelf life

not to mention the consumer won't be able to drink it fast enough before it expires
Originally Posted by GP9Rm4108

If the controlling company is Coke or Pepsi you can be sure that it's not going to be healhty for you.
Funny thing... doesn't one of those guys own Naked juice?
thing is, even if you took 12 oranges and squeezed them into juice yourself, orange juice is still unhealthy...


you're taking the sugar...just the sugar.....out of 12 oranges and drinking it at once....

this statement can be applied to vast amounts of processed foods.
Yeah, That Simply Orange stuff is good as hell... Come to think of it, All of the "Simply" juices are good as hell...
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

>>tropicana anyway.
they can put what ever cancer causing smallpox bs they want in this, i'm still drinking it until im 6 feet under 
This is whats up
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm
"A typical serving of orange juice has 120 mg of vitamin C (>100% RDI). It has 21 g of sugars and has 110 calories, both close to a can of soda. It also supplies potassium, thiamin, and folate." Source

I had no idea......

"I don't care what non a y'all say I still love her"

I read a reason a day why I should go all Whole Foods/Trader Joes....*sigh*
That's why I only +%+@! with the best. TJ's overpriced *@@ juice FTW. By the way, if you haven't tried their fresh pressed apply ain't livin' da life. But I mean I can't say I'm too surprised. Being that I work in a convenient store, Whenever we get a new shipment of tropicana OJ, that stuff lasts for hella long. Come to think of does the Simply Juice >_>
Guess who's still gonna buy Tropicana though?
Spoiler [+]
i hate orange juice.... Green smoothies > anything.

protein monster > anything besides green smoothies.
Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm
"A typical serving of orange juice has 120 mg of vitamin C (>100% RDI). It has 21 g of sugars and has 110 calories, both close to a can of soda. It also supplies potassium, thiamin, and folate." Source

I had no idea......

"I don't care what non a y'all say I still love her"

I read a reason a day why I should go all Whole Foods/Trader Joes....*sigh*

Regardless of where you shop, you need to be aware of what it is you're consuming.  Whole Foods just went through some issues because they were selling things that aren't "whole."  Also, the concept of "organic" is becoming very vague.  A lot of times companies will just use different pesticides rather than other USDA approved ones and can still qualify as being organic.  You should also be aware of "free range chicken" and whatnot because it's not a governmental phrase, so you can just throw it on your egg carton, even if it isn't true.
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