You ever been on NT when...

May 20, 2006
You ever been on NT when you remembered you had a dream about being on NT at a future date and future setting which happens to be right now, when you are remembering it?
megatron's troll lvl is on master.
I'm pretty sure I've never dreamt about nt.
Also how do you that today was the future you dreamed about?
Originally Posted by megatron

Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

what the hell? I knew I posted before Megatron this time around!


nothing, really fam. I just had the same post time stamp as you when you posted. didn't see that coming.

Anyway, back to the OT: OP's post was blank earlier. To answer the OP's edited question now: Nope, never. Happens once in a while in real life, though. 
Originally Posted by iYen

megatron's troll lvl is on master.
I'm pretty sure I've never dreamt about nt.
Also how do you that today was the future you dreamed about?

It's kinda like the dream came true so I remembered it.

But it's weird cause it wasn't until after I remembered the dream and started thinking about it that I realized
it was coming true.

It was like a reverse deja vu X prophetic dream collabo about being on NT
i have deja vu all the time which i dont realize until its happening for the second time... @%#% is low key scary at times

now if only I can harness this power to match up the times so Ill actually be able to see into the future...
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