You ever feel like there is something bigger than God out there?

Jul 18, 2012
Sometimes I be out in nature and I just feel something. Like there's something bigger than God out here, but I have no idea what it is or in what form it is.

Makes me feel so miniscule in the universe. We all just take up space here like free renters and then we die but a big *** tree is around for hundreds of years. How could any human create that?

People think that agnostics/atheists lack a belief but I feel like I believe in MORE. I can't even corral it all. You know?
Energy...I always feel a sense of natural energy, karma...destiny. I don't think God is responsible for how our unique destinies play out but since we're undoubtedly a part of nature on Earth, we do an awful job of sustaining that natural energy the planet feeds on. :smh:

I'm a firm believer in karma. I think that's the circular transfer of energy, whether positive or negative, karma will dictate the flow of energy for each interaction between living organisms. Like OP stated, it's hard to really explain textually. It's something you feel and is a continual journey in discovering more about it throughout one's life. Jada knew it all along when he told us to keep searchin'.

Good luck in all your searches and I hope you find what you're looking for. Never give up. Positive and negative karma will always balance itself out on a scale larger than we know. :pimp:
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No one knows man.

that's why you gotta live each day like it's your last.

Yesterday was history tomorrow is a mystery.

Just live now.
There is nothing bigger than GOD. GOD is the most high. What you're probably feeling is GOD

He's right though, considering an objective personification of god. If we find more, and the universe expands, it will all be considered "God's work".
There is nothing bigger than GOD. GOD is the most high. What you're probably feeling is GOD
What if there are beings out there whose size is like ours to a microscopic organism. And they just b watchin us.
Sometimes I be out in nature and I just feel something. Like there's something bigger than God out here, but I have no idea what it is or in what form it is.

Makes me feel so miniscule in the universe. We all just take up space here like free renters and then we die but a big *** tree is around for hundreds of years. How could any human create that?

People think that agnostics/atheists lack a belief but I feel like I believe in MORE. I can't even corral it all. You know?
What if God had a God??????

Too deep!
what about NYC?
GOD made NYC in His image. So in a sense, NYC has GOD in it. And that's with people too. We all have GOD in us because He made us in His image.
I'm assuming you mean that the good parts of NYC were made in the image of GOD, right? Not the projects, right? The areas filled w/ rape, violence, gangs, kids on drugs, hookers: those areas don't count, I'm assuming.

And GOD made 'us' in his image? Again, I'm just assuming here, but I'm sure the GOOD people are who you're talking about, right? People like MLK, Jr and Mother Teresa, THEEEEY were made in GOD's image, right? But ol' Timothy McVeigh, Osama bin Laden, and your local pedophile, they don't count when you say 'He made us in his image', right?

I mean, right?
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