you found a flux capacitor on the ground, you have enough juice to go to 4 places in time for a mont


formerly oxpenguin
Oct 13, 2012
- I would go somewhere in the 50's bc I love pinups, I would smash all the Betty Sues and Donnas in pleasantville in the backseat of a Cadillac.

- then I would hit up the 1880's and try to roll with Billy the Kid and his crew.

- I would go back to the summer of July 1989 and see me being made, nomsayin (no weirdo either).

- of course I would go back to when the earth was dinosaur land, I've always wanted to watch a Triceratops scrap a T Rex.
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I would go to 1998 and invest a buncha money in apple

I would go 2009 and buy all the cheap foreclosed houses

I would go to 2008 and follow kanye on tour

I would go to 2013 and go follow kanye on tour again
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I just need to go back to 2011 on the day covert coup dropped

1994 to see a all white c4 zr1 on the showroom floor

1970 to live in the golden age of muscle cars

2010 to meet my brother .....
1980s to watch magic and bird and tell my parents to invest in apple, watch star wars and batman when they first came out

cant really think of much else

The farthest back I'd go would be dec 06. Wouldn't want to risk not having my last son.
But I'd look up the 4 biggest mega millions and powerball jackpots and hit them the week before someone won
and drop off a sports almanac back to the future style
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I'd go back to the late 50's early 60's and be in high school.

Or high school in the early seventies. In order to go back to either, I would have to be white and wealthy. Really wish I grew up in another time period. Seeing lynyrd Skynyrd live :pimp:

1880's Wild West, roll with Jesse James.

I think being born in 45 would be the best for me. Would be able to meet Don Yenko, See all of my favorite Rock bands in person. If I were born in the 40's I would've definitely joined the Hells Angels as well.
I'd go back to the South in the 40's and piss on white only water fountains or go back to Harlem during the 60's and slang with a Frank Lucas
1. I'd travel back to Tesla's Wardenclyffe lab right before he lost it to debt. I'd try to convince him that he didn't need Bell & Co to fund him in order to be successful. I'd also try to encourage him to stay away from weaponry, and rather, that he should focus on making his inventions more consumer friendly.

2. Next is traveling back to Egypt to try to prevent the destruction of the Library of Alexandria.

3. Then I'd jump back to the Cold war era and call a meeting with Oppenheimer, Ulam, Leslie Groves, and anyone else willing to listen. I'd paint a picture of the many issues that we face with our nuclear capabilities, and plead with them to not weaponize uranium. Rather, I'd try to get them to utilize nuclear energy.

4. Finally, I'd travel all the way back to the moments before the creation of the universe as we know it. I'd finally know how we came to be, and I'd be able to die happily knowing that.
- I would go somewhere in the 50's bc I love pinups, I would smash all the Betty Sues and Donnas in pleasantville in the backseat of a Cadillac.

- then I would hit up the 1880's and try to roll with Billy the Kid and his crew.

- I would go back to the summer of July 1989 and see me being made, nomsayin (no weirdo either).

- of course I would go back to when the earth was dinosaur land, I've always wanted to watch a Triceratops scrap a T Rex.
high five for being born in the same year (im 3 months your senior tho)

but **** all that bull

im not goin back in time
I would only go back/forward in time to see certain things.

Ancient Egypt when the Library of Alexandria was still intact.

Just before the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.

Miami in the cocaine 80s.

3000 A.D just to see what its like.
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If ur white u can travel to any time.

I'll go no further back than 1970.

1980 I'll start selling crack.

I'll go back to early 2000 and start creating myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Than go to 2009 and create snapchat.

Also I would buy the sneakers that caught hype to resell.

Than I'd go to 88 and create shows and movies like Friday Martin etc. I'll find connects.
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Ill go back to the 60s and play Basketball to set some records. Y'all thought Kobe put on some numbers in one month. I'm doing the same in a week.
[COLOR=#red]Era of King Solomon or when the Messiah was walking the Earth :pimp:
Era of Moses and the Israelites receiving the Law
Dark Ages when "black" Kings were ruling Europe
I'd travel back to the Renaissance and get some art fresh off the easel way before them dudes blew up.

I'd go back to 1989 to catch show on the Michael Jackson Bad Tour.

I'd go to 1998 to see Michael Jordan's game 6 winning shot and invest in Google.

I'd travel to Ancient Greece and listen to Aristotle lecture.

I'd travel to Ancient Egypt to watch pyramid construction.

I'd travel to 1976 and invest in Apple.

I'd go back to last year and snag that $600 Million Powerball Jackpot.

I'd go to the age of the Dinosaurs and observe them.

I'd go back the civil rights era and march with Dr. King as well as Malcolm X.

I'd go back to 1868 and assassinate Andrew Johnson for no reason. I've just read that he was a ****.

I'd travel to "88" and cop from Hov and just keep it.
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id travel to 1994-1996 area.

-watch some power rangers and buy some mega zords
- catch some dbz
- buy some jordans
- and just take in the 90's again.
go back put money on microsoft
go back put money on apple
come back to present get all my money
then go back and put all my money on both again
then repeat 8)
I would go back to the 50s and be known as the dude who created the killer crossover. Dudes would line up outside rucker to see me play and kill those slow *** cats.

Invent rap
Last year to hit the powerball.

2011, for Bitcoin at $1 each.

2013, to sell them at $1250 each.

Then back here to smash some amateur models while hippyflipping at my compound in the forests of nor cal.
The '60s Civil rights x drugs. Meet Brother Malcom, get some ******* with MLK. Kick it with a young Huey Newton. Piss on white water fountains.

Invent the Triangle offense, win a few ships. Invent the read option, win a few ships. Invest in Microsoft, invest in Stocks in general. Become the worlds most interesting man.
1985 because that's thee year. Big hair, jerry curls, sex, drugs, social scenes, etc. :pimp: prolly buy some classic muscle cars for a couple hundred, and see MJackson perform.

Go back to 1996 and go to the intersection by Ceasers and see who shot Pac.

Go back to the experience the crucifixion on christ

Then go back in time and get the flux capacitor again and do more crazy ish

I wanna say I'd go back and prevent a lot of high profile deaths, but I believe without the death of, let's say a MLK Jr., the would probably wouldn't have opened their eyes to see the bigger picture.
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