You Got Rondo'd ads

Jan 28, 2008
You Got Rondo'd - Vince Wilfork Rondo'd a pizza

You Got Rondo'd - Jo Jo White Rondo'd a parking spot

You Got Rondo'd - Dee Brown Rondo'd a smooth extraction
lol that is so low budget. Still pretty tight to see Dee Brown associated with Reebok though


Perkins: verb

To mean mug for no particular reason regardless of your current situation.

Example: "I got Perkins'd at this party when none of the chicks would dance with me.... I was real salty"
Originally Posted by Roscoe P Wallace

Perkins: verb

To mean mug for no particular reason regardless of your current situation.

Example: "I got Perkins'd at this party when none of the chicks would dance with me.... I was real salty"

Originally Posted by Roscoe P Wallace

Perkins: verb

To mean mug for no particular reason regardless of your current situation.

Example: "I got Perkins'd at this party when none of the chicks would dance with me.... I was real salty"

Haha! Exactly how do you pronounce "Perkins'd"?
oh wow slaman is showing a humanly side that i have not ever seen before on this god's green earth

where are my Jrich videos

might as well KG somethin too whenever you do somethin just start screamin loud poundin your chest and cussin

" Yeah boy my thread on NT made it past 3 pages *repeated chest pounds* good *$%% $@!%##$$$!@% !*$+! !$%% !*$+!"
oh man...I can hear the kids at the playground saying it already. this will be quite annoying.
Originally Posted by ChirpingCrickets

oh wow slaman is showing a humanly side that i have not ever seen before on this god's green earth

where are my Jrich videos


JRich needs to be playing for me to make some videos, my friend! By the way, this forum's my home...I'm just not the most boisterous.
from bill simmons yesterday:

Ben(New Jersey): Sports Guy! I've been a fan for years but I've never written in before. I'm a senior in high school and my friends and I love toplay a game called KG that. It's when you take something ordinary and go crazy over it. For example, we went out for Chinese last Friday and after one ofmy friends ordered his beef and broccoli i told him he should KG it when it comes. When the waiter brought out his beef, he got up on his chair and startedpounding his chest screaming "THATS HOW YOU ORDER CHINESE" he then ran around high fiving random people while pounding his chest and screaming. Weended up getting kicked out, but I'd say it was worth it.

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