You have a 6 year old child... then he/she asks you THE question Vol: response?


formerly m4riol
Sep 24, 2008
Where do babies come from?

how will you answer? I can't think for **** and the mental preparedness for it will be overwhelming, just give them the ol' stork story
my mom told me a baby is made when the bride and groom have their first kiss as newlyweds.

i bought that for a while.
Tell em the truth or as much of the truth that's age appropriate for them.
Why fill their heads with misinformation?
My parents didnt have to tell me. I knew. IDK how i knew.. But i knew. I knew since i started to know life exist.
I don't mind to much about that question... i can bs that... the question i have an issue with is explaining death, or even more precise a death of a friend or family member and what happens after life... There is no definite answer that we know of in regards to the afterlife just hopes, dreams, religious stories/beliefs, myths, or an atheist approach, i feel that is the hardest question to answer and my son is five now :stoneface:
Found out in 7th grade that you need a boy and girl to make a baby. Always thought since my bf 
didnt have a dad that you could have kids by your self. Had kids looking at me like 
The only sensible thing to do, punish them severely for questioning the world around them.
Obviously they come from a factory in the uterus forest were tiny elves go and and harvest sperm from the sticky trees. Next they offer the sperms to one of the Queen Eggs and she has them fight over her. When the strongest has killed all the others off. They go to the candy shop in the gum drop forest. And then fifty cent and lil wayne pop out looking like fairy creatures. They sing a magical rap song and the sperm worm goes into the magical egg........ Next the embryo is put into a stork where it lays an egg on the roof top of the hospital where your mother claims that you were born. The hospital staff then give it to your mother and she goes home.........
Originally Posted by INS

Found out in 7th grade that you need a boy and girl to make a baby. Always thought since my bf 
didnt have a dad that you could have kids by your self. Had kids looking at me like 

until 7th grade though? Damn!!!
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