you meet a girl and you are getting ready to get it crackin right before she pulls out.....

So what do you want from us OP
I don't understand what your question is. You're mad shes had large meat? Or you're mad she's being smart having safe sex? Or you're mad she doesn't wanna smash you raw? I'm lost
I hate when dudes make a ****** thread and vanish, go down with your ship you typed this garbage ride it out or get a journal.
All of this.

Not sure this thread has a point really.  

Weirded out she had a condom?  Wasn't sure if it was a trap?  Wasn't sure if she was a floozy? Wasn't sure if magnum would fit?  Wasn't sure if you should be able to tuck your balls into the condom for full protection? Wasn't sure if condom was for her or you?  Wasn't sure if her saying "she always had a boyfriend" had any relevance to anything?  
ohh hahaha silly man. That wasn't a condom she pulled out. That was what the people in the big city call a 'trap'. Good luck with that

Word of advice....when you have your son...which by my estimate, given the implantation period, March. When he gets of age, make sure you tell him no matter how much he loves these ****, dont trust em, they aint loyal. Tell em to always pack his own jimmy hat and roll his own blunts. If he asks how do you know so much...send him here.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:wow: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
your girl has male genitalia? 
this is the most important question?  please answer

I've messed with girls before that had condoms with them. It's not like they kept them in their handbags or anything. They would mostly reach into their dresser or nightstand and have them there.

I also never worried about women trying to "trap" me. I learned that the best way to combat against that is to just start messing around with women who are career orientated and have goals and money of their own.
I also never worried about women trying to "trap" me. I learned that the best way to combat against that is to just start messing around with women who are career orientated and have goals and money of their own.


Ive never messed with low class chicks honestly can't stand stupid women of no substance either. If I can't hold a convo with her I prob won't smash.
Looks like a low-key humble brag thread to me >D  op tryna let us know he smashin with the gold packs

Magnums are designed to give confidence to people with little meats as well. So most people could fit one.

As far as OP goes, 1) I wouldn't have taken it. 2) She's trifling and been around the block multiple times.
Don't trust a female that keeps condoms on her or in her crib in bulk.


Smash and peel out.
a condom.

before you could even pull your own condom which you brought JUST IN CASE YOU GET LUCKY, she pulls one out for you and its a gold magnum. what do you think?

this just happened to me last night. this girl was on some "i am the type of girl that always had a boyfriend" "i had a boyfriend since I was 16"

it was great, and i want to see her again, but at the same time i feel like shes in this phase where she'll take whatever she gets ya know?

take L and move. you were just her next victim
OP just wanted to let us know that he had sex last night :lol: ....Congrats and wish you the best of luck in your future sexual endeavors :pimp:
a condom.

before you could even pull your own condom which you brought JUST IN CASE YOU GET LUCKY, she pulls one out for you and its a gold magnum. what do you think?

this just happened to me last night. this girl was on some "i am the type of girl that always had a boyfriend" "i had a boyfriend since I was 16"

it was great, and i want to see her again, but at the same time i feel like shes in this phase where she'll take whatever she gets ya know?
you will know when she dont hit you back up
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