You win $10 MIL for staying in a basement for 10 yrs....but there's a catch vol. What would you do?

I don't know why anyone would choose fast food over a stocked kitchen. Not only would u have plenty of different types of foods to eat, but you'll spending time cooking which would keep u busy instead of bored. Gotta keep yourself occupied

plus sitting/laying down all day for 10 years eating fast food everyday :rofl:

you arent gonna be alive for that 10th year
5 Milli up front for 35 points Alex

Medical care (3)
Booze (5)
Sunlight (2)
Unlimited Kitchen (6)
Movies (4)
Garden (2)

My persnal doctor will be a female and cure me of all ills 8)
cure them blue balls 

How you know the doctor is going to let you smash. She can leave.

no one can visit you, you are locked in a basement and secluded from everyone and thing outside of it.

Aight, give me the girl, fast food, booze , cell phone(assuming its 4G) and my 10 milli!!!

30 points. :pimp:
I'd do it. I like how there's no way you get the full 10 mil cuz they make you choose between the girl (18 pts) and the internet (16 pts) :lol: but since there's nothing against having visitors I don't need the same girl staying with me til she's 28. I'd go without either and just have female visitors for a sexual release and keep up to date with the lulz on the internet.

Doctor 2
Skylight 2
Unlimited Fast Food 4
Library 4
All Movies & Tv shows 4
Surround System 4 (can't live w/o music)
Workout Room 5
Unlimited Drugs 5 (kinda unfair I consider alcohol a drug but w/e)
5 Milli up front for 35 points Alex

Medical care (3)
Booze (5)
Sunlight (2)
Unlimited Kitchen (6)
Movies (4)
Garden (2)

My persnal doctor will be a female and cure me of all ills
cure them blue balls 
How you know the doctor is going to let you smash. She can leave.
I'll make her feel sorry for me that I'm suck in a basement for all these years and having a companion would be nice, then call her everytime I have a hiccup. That will be my chance to get my Don Juan on. I'll invite her for movies and a dinner featuring exotic cuisines from my kitchen and ipad cookbooks...go for walks in my garden as we sip high quality red wine from my booze stash to finish the night.

She has no chance against me bruh

It will be our own version of conjugal visits
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**** picking the girl....first of all the girl should be 3 pts cuz that ***** will take half of whatever else you pick, she'll use up half your food, half your sunlight, half your movies, prob **** your doctor and then have the nerve to use some of your bullets.

**** that situation i'm foreveralone with all my money. Be jacking off to commercials and housewives shows.
whoever decides to half their 10Ms for 5 points need to inbox me, i got some Bourdeauxs for sale in your size
I'm gonna take the 5 million.
the chick.
the full kitchen.
the fitness room.
the desktop.

then I'd google how to make soap from peanuts I find in my kitchen, a chick with a funky kitten isn't worth 18 points lol.
There is no 30 point scenario listed in which you would survive/maintain sanity living in a basement for TEN YEARS.
full kitchen

see you in 10 years with my 10Ms PLUS the accrued interest on the 10Ms over those 10 years (parents didn't raise a complete idiot)

edit: damn, i didnt realize they didnt give you hygiene products off rip, i thought that was extra stuff like bath salts and weird unnecessary stuff, so i dont get toothpaste, a toothbrush, soap, and lotion?
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I'm gonna take the 5 million.
the chick.
the full kitchen.
the fitness room.
the desktop.

then I'd google how to make soap from peanuts I find in my kitchen, a chick with a funky kitten isn't worth 18 points lol.

You don't have internet, pleighboy
**** picking the girl....first of all the girl should be 3 pts cuz that ***** will take half of whatever else you pick, she'll use up half your food, half your sunlight, half your movies, prob **** your doctor and then have the nerve to use some of your bullets.

**** that situation i'm foreveralone with all my money. Be jacking off to commercials and housewives shows.

Who said anything about marrying the chick? Shes just in there with you. You could say common law, assuming you're in a state that recognizes common law marriages. Even still you cant get a divorce, like that, in a common law marriage.

Gym – 5
Hygiene products & bathtub – 3
Full Kitchen with ingredients & iPad – 6
TV & Cable – 7
Unlimited Drugs – 5
Video Games – 4

and 35 pts gets you $5MM total. Not 5 upfront and 5 when you leave.
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