You win $10 MIL for staying in a basement for 10 yrs....but there's a catch vol. What would you do?

Oct 12, 2010
[COLOR=#red]You are being forced to spend the next 10 years of your life in a basement. After those 10 years, you will receive $10 mil. Your basement comes fully furnished with a good bed, sink, a toilet, a shower and a trash chute. You are also being given a bonus 30 points to spend on items/amenities that you can take with you to your basement. BONUS BONUS: If you half your $10 mil payout to $5 mil, you will receive 35 points to spend. If you reduce your payout to zero, you receive 40 points.

I'd do it.

Give me the white girl, the computer and the unlumited supply of fast food(Why the exception of Chic-fil-a, doe?).

White girl would get thick, I would work out one her and be entertained by the Computer.
Give me the white chick, drugs, and a TV

30 pts.

Question... does the 18 year old live with you the whole time or do you get to switch them out...?

I'm not sure if I'd want a wifey that's with me 24/7. And that's gonna be 28 when this **** is done and will expect half my ****

If that's the case, switch her out and give me a kitten, smokes, the workout room and my Indian doctor to help me out if I OD or get lung cancer
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You know what, I'd spend the extra 5 pts on unlimited dope.

Shhiii, it doesn't say anything about not having visitors or using the mail. With unlimited dope, I wont need the money when I get out.
Does the girl get switched out? is she stuck in the basement with you too? Is she getting 10 mil as well? Can we combine our points?
Il take the girl 18 points
The HD Camera 3 points
The unlimited drugs for 5 points

I guess fast food with my last 4 points

Will shoot the best documentary ever over the next 10 years, and come out ready to produce it and make even more money.
this is pretty tough, but you can keep the girl and doctor with you? or 18/2 pts for a 1 time deal?

if the former:

girl 18pts

skylight 2pts

doctor 2pts

video games 4pts

fast food 4 pts


girl for obvious reasons

skylight to not go crazy, and have a sense of time

doctor bc 10 yrs is a long time

video games for entertainment

and fast food because i dont need to look good, i have girl for obvious reasons

if the latter:

skylight 2 pts 

workout room 5 pts

full kitchen with recipes 6 pts

tv 7 pts

top of the line computer 6 pts

26 pts

save 4 pts for doctor visits
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get half up front=60 points

1. girl - 18pts

2. stock market - 7

3. sunlight - 2

4. medical - 2

5. greenhouse - 2

6. gym and court - 5

7. full kitchen - 6

8. library - 4

9. hygiene - 3

10. movies - 4

11. computer - 6

12. gun- 1pt







18 points to be stuck with a female for 10 years?

I got my damb hand for free
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