young thug faces backlash for engaging airport workers

ignorant ****
that's like being in mcdonalds,

demeaning the staff for working at mcdonalds.....'re eat....
this **** made me so heated. how ******* insecure must you be to disrespect another human being like this. scummy
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You can eat McDonald's and still violate a worker if the service sucks. Quarter pounders are good. If the service sucks, it's your right as an American citizen to violate them.
You can eat McDonald's and still violate a worker if the service sucks. Quarter pounders are good. If the service sucks, it's your right as an American citizen to violate them.

you eating an 89 cent burger.

you have no reasonable expectation of any service, let alone a standard of service which causes you to berate the person "serving" you.

yeah, they make 8 dollars an hour, but you're literally eating the food they make. (for 8 dollars an hour)

you're eating food made by someone who is paid 8 dollars an hour....(think about that. a value meal is as much as an hour of their labor. LMAO)

not only that, you ALSO expect and demand someone thank you so much, with a smile, for eating an 89 cent burger.

you want a medal of honor for opening up your wallet and breaking the bank to buy out the dollar menu with a parade around the drive-thru lane.....

.......sort of exactly like this clown being mad at a typical commercial airline experience.

he's so rich and famous....yet.....he's sitting in 19 B.

or better yet, missing his flight.

but he's so rich and famous, SURELY he wouldn't have any problem copping a new ticket like a boss, right?


is he upset, because, like you and your 89 cent burger, he is under the assumption that his commercial airline ticket isn't the same experience 1000s of NORMAL (yuck) people have every day?

in a nutshell, you aren't special. you're eating mcdonalds. shut up and eat your 89 cent burger with whatever service it came with.

next you gonna be walking in comparing the burger in your hand to the burger in the picture like michael douglas in falling down.

10000% sure these are the same doofuses against raising minimum wages....but expect actual service from a fast food employee making 8 dollars an hour LMAO

AMERICA, where buying .89 cent burgers afford you the swagger of a slaveholder.
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You can eat McDonald's and still violate a worker if the service sucks. Quarter pounders are good. If the service sucks, it's your right as an American citizen to violate them.

What do you mean by "violate?" And what constitutes you stooping so low that you're berating someone for bad service? You're not going to get good service all the time. It happens. However, there are SO many different avenues you can take to resolve an issue where you don't have to stoop so low to where you're attacking someone on a personal level.

Unless they did something to you where it's a ridiculous sign of disrespect, why even take it there? Bad service is all that it takes to set you off? No offense, but what you typed sounds stupid. "Violate..." :smh:
You can eat McDonald's and still violate a worker if the service sucks. Quarter pounders are good. If the service sucks, it's your right as an American citizen to violate them.

WTF you mean violate???

Kinda cocky aren't ya for someone supposedly from LA???

Violating people gets you shot in not sure where you getting this from as if you are bulletproof or ya jaw is made of titanium.
You can eat McDonald's and still violate a worker if the service sucks. Quarter pounders are good. If the service sucks, it's your right as an American citizen to violate them.
And what exactly do you mean by "violate" a worker?
I see a lot of people talking about how bad this generation this is with the need to record everything and such but I always wonder if previous generations had this same technology don't you think that you in your youth would behave the same, if not similar, way?

The stuff they do seems so off cause you didn't grow up with the option or the ability to do the things these kids do. It's childish and all that looking at it from an adult perspective but when you a teenager or young adult and you been dreaming about a smart phone for years you gon play with it and do stupid things on camera. Some of y'all/us have tapes from a camcorder of us doing stupid stuff but hey, these kids these days....

Every generation grows up and sh**s on the current generation for doing things that kids do, stupid things, and act like they never done anything foolish or embarrassing to your parents or grandparents. Hell, when I look back at my Facebook Memories from 3+ years ago I said and did some of the same crap I complain about young kids doing now and embarrass myself
I see a lot of people talking about how bad this generation this is with the need to record everything and such but I always wonder if previous generations had this same technology don't you think that you in your youth would behave the same, if not similar, way?

The stuff they do seems so off cause you didn't grow up with the option or the ability to do the things these kids do. It's childish and all that looking at it from an adult perspective but when you a teenager or young adult and you been dreaming about a smart phone for years you gon play with it and do stupid things on camera. Some of y'all/us have tapes from a camcorder of us doing stupid stuff but hey, these kids these days....

Every generation grows up and sh**s on the current generation for doing things that kids do, stupid things, and act like they never done anything foolish or embarrassing to your parents or grandparents. Hell, when I look back at my Facebook Memories from 3+ years ago I said and did some of the same crap I complain about young kids doing now and embarrass myself

This right here. I'm 31 with kids, I Fasho have a disconnect with kids in they teens and even my little brother who's 22. But that's life. While the way he does things at 22 that I wouldn't have done at that age, the **** I did do at 22 I'm embarrassed to say I did.

Young thug ain't a ******* cause he's young he just might be a ******* and will always be one :lol:

perception and coverage is a mutha ******. Because social media and the internet is bombarded with peoples bad behavior, people start to believe that these things are the norm and the standard.

I see just as many adults acting worse than Thug in the same situations.

He's still **** boy though
Thug can be in the wrong, and the lady can have it coming at the same time. He shouldn't have talked to her like that, I agree.

Nah that's not how it works bruh

A good percentage of dudes in here hate Thug anyway, so anything short of saying he gay is letting him off the hook :lol:

I doubt it's that :lol:, folks are mostly calling him out on his antics in here

I listen to dudes music and he's made some heat this year but that doesn't mean I can't call a spade a spade when he acts like a clown :lol:
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What do you mean by "violate?" And what constitutes you stooping so low that you're berating someone for bad service? You're not going to get good service all the time. It happens. However, there are SO many different avenues you can take to resolve an issue where you don't have to stoop so low to where you're attacking someone on a personal level.

Unless they did something to you where it's a ridiculous sign of disrespect, why even take it there? Bad service is all that it takes to set you off? No offense, but what you typed sounds stupid. "Violate..." :smh:

Didn't mean it in a physical manner. Perhaps violate wasn't the best choice of words, I'll blame my beverages last evening on that. I meant moreso letting them hear it though.

For the bad service part it all depends on how bad the service was, the perceived disrespect I got from the employee etc, and my mood I'm in that day. I'm not going to the restaurant or place of business with the intent of antagonizing them. I'd actually prefer to be friendly, but if they're rude for no reason, I got no problem being rude back. Perhaps a little petty on my end, but they shouldn't be acting rude for no reason to begin with. It goes both ways though. When I worked retail and customer service jobs in my younger years I had no problem going in on customers who were rude for no reason at all, I don't see employees in the wrong for going off on rude customers in those cases.

And lmao at sugafree with the peanut butter and jelly tough guy talk like he's some LA guru while he probably lives in Palmdale or Pamona. Carry on about how people get shot though for popping off. Sounds cute.
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I know it's not funny but the immature part of me dies laughing every time i see that video. Son was NOT having it that day.
you eating an 89 cent burger.

you have no reasonable expectation of any service, let alone a standard of service which causes you to berate the person "serving" you.

yeah, they make 8 dollars an hour, but you're literally eating the food they make. (for 8 dollars an hour)

you're eating food made by someone who is paid 8 dollars an hour....(think about that. a value meal is as much as an hour of their labor. LMAO)

not only that, you ALSO expect and demand someone thank you so much, with a smile, for eating an 89 cent burger.

you want a medal of honor for opening up your wallet and breaking the bank to buy out the dollar menu with a parade around the drive-thru lane.....

.......sort of exactly like this clown being mad at a typical commercial airline experience.

he's so rich and famous....yet.....he's sitting in 19 B.

or better yet, missing his flight.

but he's so rich and famous, SURELY he wouldn't have any problem copping a new ticket like a boss, right?


is he upset, because, like you and your 89 cent burger, he is under the assumption that his commercial airline ticket isn't the same experience 1000s of NORMAL (yuck) people have every day?

in a nutshell, you aren't special. you're eating mcdonalds. shut up and eat your 89 cent burger with whatever service it came with.

next you gonna be walking in comparing the burger in your hand to the burger in the picture like michael douglas in falling down.

10000% sure these are the same doofuses against raising minimum wages....but expect actual service from a fast food employee making 8 dollars an hour LMAO

AMERICA, where buying .89 cent burgers afford you the swagger of a slaveholder.

My Gawd :rofl:
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