Your Degree Vs Your GPA.

Feb 2, 2005
I've been thinking about this for a bit...I go to University of Toronto

I'm double majoring in economics and statistics with minor in math....which sounds cool, except my gpa is DISGUSTING...i'm predicting to be at around2.5 when I graduate. employers care about your crappy gpa? or would they be like, damn this guy did a lot in university (aka my majors and 1 minor). I'm not involved inany sort of school activity becuase A) i'm just not that person
B)u of t is too big to get recognized for anything. but mostly i'm just not that dude.
When i graduated(Fall 07) with a Computer Science degree i had a 2.8 gpa and got a job as Systems Engineer

Experience>GPA btw
In most cases, employers looks at both. They want to see what you did in school and how you did. It's great that you're doing a double major and aminor, but your low GPA shows that you're doing too much.

Employers will probably think the same. Just remember, it's who you know, not what you know. If you have contacts, use them.
My accounting firm generally doesn't accept applications unless you have at least a 3.2.

Emphasis on the word generally.
I think it depends on the field.

Plus if your major GPA is better than your overall GPA you might be good
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

My accounting firm generally doesn't accept applications unless you have at least a 3.2.

Emphasis on the word generally.
i hate accounting though.

truth about what was said regarding who you know. AKA, i will be using NikeTalk to find my first actual job..thanks in advance for the lookout guys.
Originally Posted by uknowho85

When i graduated(Fall 07) Spring 08 with a Computer Science Electrical Engineering degree i had a 2.8 gpa and got a job as an Systems Engineer
Employers do consider GPAs...some not as much as others....I've been to career fairs and have seen/heard recruiters say if you don't havea 3.5 don't bother applying
OP you go to U of T? same here but im only in first year. from what i've heard, a 2.5 is exceptional, U of T is damn hard man

but what the hell? 3.5 or dont even bother applying? damnn that's mad tough!
Originally Posted by Dhrealtalk

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

My accounting firm generally doesn't accept applications unless you have at least a 3.2.

Emphasis on the word generally.
i hate accounting though.

truth about what was said regarding who you know. AKA, i will be using NikeTalk to find my first actual job..thanks in advance for the lookout guys.

It's just used as a filter, more than anything.

My GPA was low. But given everything I had gone through and did, I had no qualms about discussing with a potential employer.
its case by case. i go to the university of texas. i started off as an engineer for a few years (slowly slaughtered my gpa). finally got fed up andtransferred to econ. but if somebody tells you GPA don't matter thats a crock of bull +!@%. they care heavily. i know people who work for big 4 firmsand big corporations and they tell me straight up their uppers tell them to look at GPAs when they do the recruiting process. not just look at them, but useit as a cut off criteria. either that or have an amazing story. but how amazing can a story be? like how unprofessional would it be to give some superlifelong story that somehow ties in with your gpa. its not that easy. you'd be suprised at what some of these cats have as requirements coming out ofcollege. matter of fact my boy said after he got hired and saw the requirements he had to consider when he was on the recruiting in he was sitting therethinking how the hell did I get hired and he graduated above a 3.7 from our business school which is one of the best in the country. there are tons ofstudents out there who have all types of credentials and lots of internships. yadda yadda yadda, and tons of people apply to those really good high payingcompanies, so they have to find some mechanism to axe cats off and narrow down.

once you graduate though, GPA obviously doesn't matter anymore. experience is key. but when i was engineering they used to tell me so much about how gpadoesnt matter. thats a bunch of bull +!@%. they DO care. you can get in a wack major and pull a 4.0 and have a bunchof extracurriulars and get an internship and be better off than someone who chose a hard major and got hammered by it
I guarantee any place that cares about your gpa will be some paper pushing soul crushing type work (ie accounting).
Your first job/employer will care about your GPA.. Because how else are they gonna compare new grads? (yes, I know there's co-op and internships butthat's still not widespread)
After that, your experience and you actually being able to do crap (because school =/= work) will be what counts..
Originally Posted by Dhrealtalk

I've been thinking about this for a bit...I go to University of Toronto

I'm double majoring in economics and statistics with minor in math....which sounds cool, except my gpa is DISGUSTING...i'm predicting to be at around 2.5 when I graduate. employers care about your crappy gpa? or would they be like, damn this guy did a lot in university (aka my majors and 1 minor). I'm not involved in any sort of school activity becuase A) i'm just not that person
B) u of t is too big to get recognized for anything. but mostly i'm just not that dude.

Well it depends
And if u are going to work with the government, or really big companies (ex Air Canada) it matters, especially if u dont have any experience.
Which year are you in?

I'm 4th year at the U of T (1 more month to go) and I know exactly what you mean. It was a shock going from 80s and 90s in high school to getting 60s andlow-70s at U of T.

First and second year classes at U of T are brutal. Classes are way too big so they have to grade on a curve to weed out the weaklings and distinguish the mostexceptional students from the rest of the bunch.

Once you get to 3rd year, you'll notice a significant improvement in your grades as class sizes get smaller and you have more access to your professors.

IMO, first 2 years at U of T are a joke. School starts to become more enjoyable in 3rd and 4th year when you're taking classes you actually enjoy and youaren't forced to memorize the contents of a 700 pg book for an exam

About your original question, I hear about this discussion all the time at U of T
The career centre told me that GPA matters for grad school, engineering and business students. When you're applying for a normal job, theysaid that employers dont care about GPA. They mostly care about your skills, personality, experience, etc.

The way I think about it, GPA only matters for graduate school and when you're looking for your first job. It's the only way employers can distinguishbetween new graduates who have no experience.

When you are looking for work years after graduating, employers rarely ask for your marks. Think about it this way....say 10 years down the road you arelooking for work. What are employers going to care about more? Your personality or what you got in ECO100?

Edit: BTW...if you want to do better on tests, try to predict what the Professor will put on the exam. First couple of years I would study a little bit ofeverything and then #@%$ up come exam time. Now I focus my studying on the key topics that the professor focused on and ignore a lot of the little things thatwe barely covered in class. This makes a HUGE difference.
I thought that on your resume, you were only supposed to include your GPA if you knew it would look like it would help. I didn't know employers requestedit. Man, I only have a 3.2 after one semester in college. I'm definitely going to try to bring it up and get it at 3.5 or above.
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