Your Favorite Professional Athlete vol. 25 & Younger

Sep 21, 2002
So I was gonna put my dude Robinson Cano then realized he was too old, and I realize there are plenty of basketball players I can put, but I've come to theconclusion that this guy is my new fav. Mr. Justin Upton


Love watching him become the star he will be this year, and hes helping 2 of my fantasy teams big time
whats with warrior fans and anthony randolph? just wondering . . dude gets dunked on by like everyone.
Originally Posted by tommykairaa

whats with warrior fans and anthony randolph? just wondering . . dude dunks on like everyone.

Dude is going to be a MONSTER next season.
Originally Posted by tommykairaa

whats with warrior fans and anthony randolph? just wondering . . dude gets dunked on by like everyone.
Dude gets dunked on but he also blocks a lot of shots. People who go for blocks tend to get dunked on. That's a given. You're not going toblock every shot and when you don't, you get dunked on. No big deal really. That's like one little aspect of the game. And we get laughed at for likingRandolph? I'd rather have player on my team get dunked on challenging a shot rather than just standing flatfooted and letting the guy dunk uncontested.

I'm sure you've heard this before. We like Randolph because we see the potential out of him. He's long, 6'10-6'11", can handle theball, is athletic, can block shots, hustles on the court, is already showing signs of growth (i.e., he's in the gym right now with Anthony Morrow workingon improving their game with assistant coaches), etc, etc. There's other reasons as to why we like Randolph, but this is just a few things.
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