Your girlfriend/wife's friends vol. How do you handle them?

Aug 30, 2008
There's 2 types of friends of your significant others...the ones you like and you can stand, and the ones you want nothing to do with.

This thread is about the latter. How do you keep your distance from those friends? Has anyone been successful in convincing their girl "I don't want you hanging out with them"? I know it's messed up, but life is life.

Thoughts? And WHY don't you like those friends? There has to be a reason.
my girlfriend's little sister is a *****.  she's a vegetarian lesbian who is in a bad relationship and she's never happy which is the exact opposite of my girlfriend.  it's hard because they are really close but i just told my lady straight up that i don't like being around your sister so if she's there than i am not. 

we tried to do the couple friends thing but them 2 ******* are always in a bad mood and bring us down. i can tell it's kind of getting to my girl because she wants us to be friends but that's just not going to happen. 

good thread. 
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One of her friends is lazy as all ****. Only way I go over to their crib is if I'm gone off the HennDog, or its there waiting for me. Can't be sober around that broad or I'd lose it.
Good thread. My girl's poisonous friends have kind of weeded themselves out, which I appreciate. Her oldest brother is an F-BOI tho, he just does mad disrespectful things. Sometimes he acknowledges me and sometimes he does not. Every time he has a very phony vibe tho, and my girl is the keep the peace type and won't properly check his actions or lack thereof. If my girl and I get married , G-checking her oldest brother is at the top of my list, belee dat plehboi

Alternately, I met my girl in college and I went to school out of state, so she has never met my best friends from back home. Honestly, I have no interest in them meeting besides say a wedding day. My best bros and I are very type A, and like to be savages when we chill. My girl likes ti be included in everything, and My girl and them have NOTHING in common and thats ok with me, but sometimes she insists on meeting them and I am like yeaaaa :rolleyes
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My girls friends are all pretty chill. But I also don't live around them so I don't have to see them often at all.

My boys girlfriends though, that's another question

One of my friends is dating this Chinese-American girl who is obsessed with herself. Posting selfies everyday on Facebook/IG with corny captions. Documenting most of her life through social media. She's very narcissistic and I can't believe my boy likes her at all. Like cmon man your girl is crying for attention of other people everyday online. One time they came over my house for a party and we were suppose to go shooting in the woods near my house earlier that day. They showed up late (it was already dark) and I guess she brought her hand gun into my house. I didn't see any of this happen but apparently she just put it down next to he grill where we were making food. It didn't even have a safety on it. That's when my other good friend saw it and told my boy to get that out of here :smh: I had to lay into him the next day and ask him if he is mentally challenged thinking that's ok to do at my house

Weirdly enough all of my friends have girlfriends right now and truthfully I don't really like any of them. I don't say anything unless a situation like the one I told above happens. Let them live and learn on their own but don't bring that mess into my house
There's 2 types of friends of your significant others...the ones you like and you can stand, and the ones you want nothing to do with.

This thread is about the latter. How do you keep your distance from those friends? Has anyone been successful in convincing their girl "I don't want you hanging out with them"? I know it's messed up, but life is life.

Thoughts? And WHY don't you like those friends? There has to be a reason.
Man I'm going thru that right now. Its this one rat *** ***** she hang with now thats just poison. They met at a job, my girl got a new gig... Guess who followed? My girl enrolled in school, guess who followed? It's like this ***** got no goals besides following another *****. This ***** got a dog shortly after they became friends and named the thing chase.... That's my damn son name. When they get on the phone all the classy **** goes out the window. Straight hood rat lingo, yasssss and all that other ghetto ****. I've worked to hard to separate myself from them kinda people to let this ***** infiltrate and bring it back. Soon as I start getting this ***** on track she comes and try yo **** it up.

Since I told her I don't like her tho she hasn't been over since. I'm a straight ******* and yolo *** dude. I tell people when I don't like em and my girl knows that so she keeps her away.
My current girl's friends (well, most of them) are cool, but she doesn't really hang out with them anyway. One of my last gf's though, good lord she had some awful friends, to the point where I'd always ask how did she ever even became friends with them in the first place. A whole bunch of no good *** ******* that were always jealous cause she was happy and stable while they dated losers fathering multiple kids from multiple women, broke, etc etc.
My SO and I are on the same page when it comes to surrounding ourselves in good company. We firmly believe in distancing ourselves from people that we don't want to be around. We've had to cut people from our lives that are self-centered, judgmental about the wrong things, or generally negative influences. 
All of my girls close friends range from cool to tolerable

The ones she likes to do group stuff with are cool and have significant others that are chill

All of my boys have girls that range from ok to likeable and cool. We wouldn't let one of our boys date someone like Phil's girl from Hangover Part 1 :lol:

Honesty is the best policy though. Just gotta phrase it in a way where you're concerned about your girl and not yourself
My girlfriend has a friend who is all up on me. First time I met her she wanted my phone number because we were talking about juicing and health stuff and she was all "you need to show me how you make yours!" Every time I see her she says this!

Another time we all went out for someone's birthday dinner and she threw herself on me for a hug talkin bout "There you are! Haven't seen you in awhile!" First off, I don't need to see you ever. You're the friend of my gf. Second, you just saw me two weeks ago. You living in dog years, *****?

Funny thing is my gf knows how she is and I've told her all of this stuff and gotten a mild reaction. I'm gonna plow the chick someday I bet.
My girlfriend has a friend who is all up on me. First time I met her she wanted my phone number because we were talking about juicing and health stuff and she was all "you need to show me how you make yours!" Every time I see her she says this!

Another time we all went out for someone's birthday dinner and she threw herself on me for a hug talkin bout "There you are! Haven't seen you in awhile!" First off, I don't need to see you ever. You're the friend of my gf. Second, you just saw me two weeks ago. You living in dog years, *****?

Funny thing is my gf knows how she is and I've told her all of this stuff and gotten a mild reaction. I'm gonna plow the chick someday I bet.

pics fam
My girlfriend has a friend who is all up on me. First time I met her she wanted my phone number because we were talking about juicing and health stuff and she was all "you need to show me how you make yours!" Every time I see her she says this!

Another time we all went out for someone's birthday dinner and she threw herself on me for a hug talkin bout "There you are! Haven't seen you in awhile!" First off, I don't need to see you ever. You're the friend of my gf. Second, you just saw me two weeks ago. You living in dog years, *****?

Funny thing is my gf knows how she is and I've told her all of this stuff and gotten a mild reaction. I'm gonna plow the chick someday I bet.

:lol: I know those feels (when I was with my Ex)

My girl's friends are cool and almost all my boys GF's are cool so were Gucci. 9/10 we roll out dolo though so even if they weren't it wouldn't be a thing. She might meet agirfriend for lunch or do a short girls night once a month.
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The girl that I'm seeing at the moment, friends are pretty cool. I low-key think one of them want me for herself though. Gives me the eyes and says certain things when my girl isn't around.
Dealing with the "Hypocritical friends"

Basically they'll tell my girl to do something 

they wouldn't dare do in there own situation 

and their situation is 10 times worse.  

Misery loves company and she seems to hang 

with a lot of miserable souls. 
Fly, you sound soft as hell not being able to handle those little girls man. You let them run you up out of your own house?
Telling your girl you shouldn't hang with so and so is a sucker move man lol
I was thinking the same exact thing. Dudes picking and choosing who a grown woman chooses to associate themselves with 
Dealing with the "Hypocritical friends"​
Basically they'll tell my girl to do something ​
they wouldn't dare do in there own situation ​
and their situation is 10 times worse.  ​
Misery loves company and she seems to hang ​
with a lot of miserable souls. ​

My wife had a friend like that a long time ago. She was was almost the worst human being I've ever met.
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Dealing with the "Hypocritical friends"​
Basically they'll tell my girl to do something ​
they wouldn't dare do in there own situation ​
and their situation is 10 times worse.  ​
Misery loves company and she seems to hang ​
with a lot of miserable souls. ​

My wife had a friend like that a long time ago. She was was almost the worst human being I've ever met.

Gotta love these. I don't feel bad when they listen and join the misery though, good luck.
Ya'll don't understand the misery! 

She has these friends that live by this

new code of social media.  They'll literally 

have their phones in their faces all day long

just looking for anything they can find on 

any of their friends significant others and

posting nonstop facebook status and tweets

about their meaningless lives.

If they see something online then it must 

be true! These woman might possibly be 

the dumbest, most miserable women I've

ever met.  
Mannn this one time in my last relationship I was out with my boys at a club and ran into one of my ex's (who was my girl at the time)more attractive girlfriends. Later on in the night I was straight gone off the liqs, some Vybz Kartel came on and said **** it (in good nature though lol, was just tryna ride some cheeks), shorty threw it back CRAZY for like 3 songs straight. Couple days later my ex is pressing me about the matter, SMH.

Be wary of your shorty's girlfriends man, not all of them are bad, but don't let the shaky ones catch you slippin. Great thread OP
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^^If that's your ex and you care nothing for her

then her friends damn near are a go.  One thing

I realize about ppl nowadays is that there's no code.

Everybody gonna do as they please.  Eff it. 
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