Your girlfriend/wife's friends vol. How do you handle them?

I'd rather be a sucker than a sucker for love and end up tolerating someone I ain't rocking with baby pa :lol:

Mama snap your fingers and tell your girl you ain't going. I know you ain't letting mama bear tell you when and where to go you
^^If that's your ex and you care nothing for her​
then her friends damn near are a go.  One thing​
I realize about ppl nowadays is that there's no code.​
Everybody gonna do as they please.  Eff it. ​

My fault brody, I should've added that this happened before she became my ex lol
Telling your girl you shouldn't hang with so and so is a sucker move man lol
I was thinking the same exact thing. Dudes picking and choosing who a grown woman chooses to associate themselves with :lol:

Obviously you shouldn't make demands.

But if your SO has some friends that are a bad influence that she may be blinded to, it's not a sucker move to talk to her about it.
Obviously you shouldn't make demands.

But if your SO has some friends that are a bad influence that she may be blinded to, it's not a sucker move to talk to her about it.

Oh agreed but this was more geared to Ops question of friends she has that "you" can't stand which at some point you just have to let your girl know and she should be okay with you not attending events where that person will be but to tell her to throw away a friendship of x amount of years because of that is not something you should do.
Fly, you sound soft as hell not being able to handle those little girls man. You let them run you up out of your own house?

Never that, no female is running me out of my natural habitat. I'm a straight forward person, I'll tell shorty to learn me and keep those who be on the other side to stay on the other side

Mama snap your fingers and tell your girl you ain't going. I know you ain't letting mama bear tell you when and where to go you

Yo :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl:
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I told her that I don't like her low quality friends and the eventual effect they'd have on her as a person. Nothing worse than being a grown man that's afraid to state the truth.

She was happy I was honest and it helped her mature and realize as adults we have limited time and it's better to spend it with people that are also moving forward.
Her friends are OK. We don't really interact because of LDR. When I go down to her place we just shut the world out and obviously her friends wont come with her to where I'm at.
Nothing wrong with telling your girl/wife about her friends/acquaintances that are suspect. Sometimes people can't see what others see, especially if they're someone who tends to see only the good in people.

I'd never flat out tell my wife she can't hang with certain friends, but I'm also not going to bite my tongue. We had a situation with this co-worker of hers she was friendly with who was just one toxic *** person. For YEARS I told her I had a bad feeling about her, but she couldn't really see it. For my wife too see what I saw, it took this chick coming to the house unannounced, dressed like she was heading to the club when she knew my wife was at work and I was alone.

Be wary of a woman that won't even consider your opinion when it comes to sheisty friends. She's definitely not a keeper.
Gonna thread jack... How do you handle your boys' girls?
I don't mess with Her at all don't even get daps round here

I don't like her and she knows it (she's evil)

Nothing more than my homies girl to me

If she comes at me sideways she will be checked immediately cuz he won't do it himself.
My girls friends are cool. Way more reliable than my friends. Sometimes I just hate going out with them because she always thinks i have a thing with one of them. last night went out with her coworkers i came along cuz one brought her husband we picked one of the girls up. Soon as we got to the bar I had to pee so did the girl so we both head towards the bathroom together. then i head to the bar cuz my gf is in the bathroom. so her friend being a short 4'11 girl had to follow me. shes a cute little thing but there was nothing going on. after the end of the night we head to a resturaunt and I have to pee yet again I walk to the bathroom she has to go again. So of course she follows behind me. my girl is texting me non stop as i wait in line like stop talkingto her its obvious wth am i doing. she might want the d but i didn't put it out there. i would def beat that short tightness. but my gf always thinks i'm checking her friends out or have a thing with them. one infact said i winked at her. seriously who winks at girls? i love my gf i am not trying to cheat. but if its thrown my way i just may. but i am not putting myself out there for it. the girl would have to cross that line first
never had to deal with this :pimp:

My gf's friends are her friends... I don't really hang out when they're around.
As long as the friend ain't a man, who cares? It sounds childish to say who ya girl can/can't be friends with. Would you like her to do the same?
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