Your girlfriend's/wife's parents...Do they like you?

Dec 27, 2002
My girl's mom is a Bitc%. The second my girl gets on that track, I'm peacing it.
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

Im the son they never had real talk.

real talk
but *#*$ gets annoying when i gotta deal with 2 sets of parents trying to get me to right my wrongs
My brother in law is cool with me.

As for the rest of my in laws,


I've learned to to live with it
Thanks god they do. My girls dad has got more guns than i can count and he makes his own bullets. Csi would never find my @!@
They both hate me, her entire family hates me. They never gave me a chance. My girl and I weren't officially couple starting off. We'd known each other for a few years. We went out a few times, things happened and continued to happen, but we weren't a couple. She ended up getting pregnant. I guess her fam thought I was gone pull some it aint mine mess or that I wouldn't be there. Right away I told her to move in with me and let's make it official. She did and then the hate began. They thought I was like every other dude. When they saw I wasn't the hate and jealousy start to show. Almost got to fighting with her brother and father. Got into it with all three of her sisters. It got really ugly when we got our house. Their mom had lost it mentally due the father abusing her for years. She lost her house and the family felt it was best to drop her on their youngest sibling. My mom convinced me to do it. Turned out to be the worst mess ever. We did it and didn't receive any help from her older siblings. They didn't come to see her on special occasions or anything. Just left her at our house. While she was here she destroyed the house. She's very religious. She would walk around the house speaking in tongues, always cutting the power off, throwing my personal things away, eating family meals solo, and a bunch of other mess. I was beefing with her family for about a year, until they moved their mom out.
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