Your Government bought and sold by the Health Care industry (Democrats and Republicans)

this is really no different from what happened 14-15 years ago when hillary tried to push almost the same thing obama's pushing today
Its ridiculous how "advanced" we portray ourselves as a country yet half the country doesn't have medical insurance. If you currently are coveredyour current plan will not be affected.

...and these same republicans are complaining about a 3 cent soda tax to go towards a government health care system (if it is even applied), which would raisebillions and billions of dollars alone. Bush signed an 800M prescription drug plan a few years ago and the government still doesn't know where the money iscoming from to this day.

So much selfishness.
Continued political gang bangin'.... People finally realizing what the republicans are about. Sad part about it all is that a lot of the so calledrepublicans themselves are swallowing their own past blindness now. There's a lot of people now who used to be republican who just turned straight intodemocrats. People just need to chill with the separation and realize that there are no "parties" ... it's a matter of good and bad. There'sonly ONE right.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Its ridiculous how "advanced" we portray ourselves as a country yet half the country doesn't have medical insurance. If you currently are covered your current plan will not be affected.

...and these same republicans are complaining about a 3 cent soda tax to go towards a government health care system (if it is even applied), which would raise billions and billions of dollars alone. Bush signed an 800M prescription drug plan a few years ago and the government still doesn't know where the money is coming from to this day.

So much selfishness.

didn't watch the vid yet, but this post about nails it on the head.

The people running this country have selfish agendas and somehow they've convinced dullards to follow their selfish logic that doesn't even supportmost of the constituents, but keeps them thinking that nationalized health care = socialism

Like honestly.. when I see people still buying into this left and right %*@!%@%! i just laugh so hard. It's rich, and it's poor... period. Andthere's a helluva lot more poor, if we weren't so stupid we'd ban together and take this country back already... throw all the selfish pricks injail and run a society based on logic instead of bottom lines.
People gotta be aware of the tricks and deceptions because they'll continue on until people really wake up. People are either walking around asleepnot knowing what's going on, or they simply just don't care. At least KNOW what's going on in the world. Don't go by what the media is tellingyou. People gotta know better.
U right ppl, gotta know better but they won't b/c its easier to complain and walk blindly than it is to inflict change some how. Everyone should havehealth care period. And not some bul**** HMO. There are ppl dyin b/c they don't have insurance and the dumb hospitals aren't reasonin w/ emfinancially.

The way I see it, the Republicans only want *%** that's gon benefit their social class even tho they have lower class members, the Dems try to make *%**universal for everyone but got a +%*%!! up way about doin it, which in the end makes it seem stupid.

Healthcare should be mandatory, plain and simple. I aint been to the doctors in 3+ yrs til last month b/c I aint have insurance and couldn't afford out ofpocket. Politicians are so out of touch w/ the majority
Take a few minutes and read this.

Here's my take on it. They were elected to represent the people. And this current situation with the health care bill is the same with everything else. Abig part of the reason why the financial crisis happened (they were paid to look the other way). Health Care (they are paid to kill the bill).. Employment(they are paid to kill any employee benefits bill). I will tell you where this came from. Politics has always been corrupt but in the modern times, MiltonFriedman (the fraud of a economist) started the Greed is good movement and conservatives and business followed. When Greed and Capitalism are two completelydifferent things and should be held as far apart away from each other. You know what happens when people become too greedy they get caught or they fail. Enron,Lehman, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Citi, the list goes on. In capitalism you try to make as much money as possible BUT once you start cutting corners, and breakingrules that were meant to keep you from falling apart that is greed and that is when you lose.

I have no problem with getting the Campaign Contributions from Companies but the minute it affects your judgement which it 90% of the time does, Americanssuffer. Olbermann made the point of Obama getting 18mil from health care BUT this is not what they paid him for. He is representing the people. Teddy Kennedyprobably gets money from health care and he still went after them at every chance. They still do their job in this standpoint.

I am furious at these not "Blue Dogs" not "Conservative Democrats" but "Corporate Democrats" because they were elected to changethis *!%# hole this country was turned into and they are not doing it. I am angry at the republicans BUT I expect it because rarely are they on the side of thepeople.

And the left vs. right argument is still very valid and it is the same argument as rich vs. poor. It is not something that in anyway is different. The lineshave been drawn. The left has tried many times in the past few decades to talk with the right. Try to coexist. Try to come up with the best solutions and it isalways ignored. It is either 100% what the right wants or the right won't help you. This country is a moderate country BUT if you go down line by line itis way more left leaning than it is right leaning.

The reason people are leaving the Republican Party is because they are not representing the people. They are not trying to help. They just want to bicker,whine, moan and complain. And people see it.

There is only 1 fact. I'm not always right. Liberalism is not always right. But it is no where close to more than 50% wrong. This country needs to progressevery so often that is what liberalism is. Any country that does not change itself (not the structure but condition) is bound to fail. That is whereconservatism is in its core principles wrong. The founding fathers were not 100% right. They set up a good basis of a country (IN THEORY) but if they were 100%right we would never of had slavery. Look at our education system we are the "Best and the Brightest" but when we stopped funding schooling andstarted laws that may have been a good idea but poorly designed and performed the "best and brightest" went from the studious kid early to class inthe front row to the slacking stoner sitting in the back row who tries to go to the bathroom 3 times every class. Look at health care we pay double any othercountry and get the 37th best results. Argue the stats if you want but that's what it is. I think we have the capability currently to be top 10 but privateinsurance is the cause for 37th.

Conservatism is not arguing for the people, if they were they would be arguing for the health care proposal. And #@**$@%% about your deficits, shove them fornow. Things need to be done and done now at a fast pace so we can get to the deficits as quick as possible. The greatest nation in the world should not betreating its citizens like this. Where our Capitalistic/Socialistic economy (look it up we have a good amount of socialism in our economy that has done us justwell and saved our markets many times including saving individual life) to a Laissez-Fair government is paid off so F the consumer economy.

We the people haven't let our country down. A ideology has.

Once someone in our government besides Bernie Sanders actually says all of this we will continue the same fate over and over again.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

U right ppl, gotta know better but they won't b/c its easier to complain and walk blindly than it is to inflict change some how. Everyone should have health care period. And not some bul**** HMO. There are ppl dyin b/c they don't have insurance and the dumb hospitals aren't reasonin w/ em financially.

The way I see it, the Republicans only want *%** that's gon benefit their social class even tho they have lower class members, the Dems try to make *%** universal for everyone but got a +%*%!! up way about doin it, which in the end makes it seem stupid.

Healthcare should be mandatory, plain and simple. I aint been to the doctors in 3+ yrs til last month b/c I aint have insurance and couldn't afford out of pocket. Politicians are so out of touch w/ the majority
...but you've got enough excess income to invest into shoes?

Edit: If you've got a computer with internet access and a taste for shoes, you're probably the 'social class' that you have so much disdainfor.Also, most hospital systems write of millions of dollars of debt every year.

Medicaid is practically socialized medicine already as any health institution that accepts it regularly needs government grants every year to stay solvent. Thecurrent incarnation of 'government healthcare' (I.e Medicaid, Medicare, Veterans Administration) are all garbage. Walk into your local VA hospital andask yourself 'do I want to be treated here?'

Why is healthcare so expensive ? Because the government allows it to be. The FDA (well meaning as they are) require companies to invest hundreds of millions ofdollars into independent testing to ensure that something is safe for the general public. When it is, these companies HAVE to recoup costs. If they do not,they go out of business and you get no more advances in medicine.

Also, to the ding dong that thinks "half the country" has no medical insurance, it's actually about 8% who don't haveprivate coverage.

The United States has the best healthcare system in the world BECAUSE it is privatized. Get the bureaucrats out of the Medicaid and Medicare system, put inprivate patient advocates (people who don't look at checkbooks) reform Medicaid and Medicare's stances on preventative medicine (they will both pay forheart surgery, but not certain medications to prevent heart disease, pathetic) and watch what happens. Put the restrictions on those people who are utilizingthe governments current health plans and watch how much they can save and reinvest into the system.

Also, as a healthcare provider myself, I have heard rumors around the water cooler that many physicians don't suspect they will be participating with anykind of government health plan. Medicare hasn't even given a cost of living reimbursement increase in 10 years, and Medicaid is a charity (Medicaid alsorefuses to pay for most types of preventative medicine and durable medical equipment as it deems most of it 'unnessecary')
How u gonna just judge dude like that

Heath.Care.Needs.To.Be.Free. Why do people need to buy health? That's ridiculous on all levels. Give me one reason.

For the same reasons why "medicine" treat but don't cure. The world has been run on money for centuries. It will continue to do so but certainthings have NOTHING to do with money.

People can have opinions on all things, but how does a human spirit say to themselves... "if a person is poor and can't afford healthcare.. then so beit."
Some people NEVER had to struggle financially so they justdon't know. Just like certain people didn't have their entire ancestors wiped out or abused. They don't have to think about certain memoriesbecause it's never happened to them. That's another story though.
Originally Posted by SUSHI AND GRITS

How u gonna just judge dude like that

Heath.Care.Needs.To.Be.Free. Why do people need to buy health? That's ridiculous on all levels. Give me one reason.

For the same reasons why "medicine" treat but don't cure. The world has been run on money for centuries. It will continue to do so but certain things have NOTHING to do with money.

I'm all about making sure my tax dollars are used for something good like health care for those who need it (as opposed to half the worthless garbage itsspent on now, If we can get rid of 25% of the garbage MY money is spent on and help someone in the proess.... cool.), but a grown %!+ man who can afford$150.00 sneakers *****ing about how he can't afford healthcare ? Are you kidding me?

Also, none of you gave a +%+* about health care 3,2 or even 1 year ago. Do you guys only care about what T.V. tells you to care about ?
This isn't about affording healthcare, though. I don't see anyone in here *****ing about not affording. It's deeper than that. Compassionis something everyone doesn't have.
Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

^If people would stop eating CRAP then maybe we wouldn't need doctors. Food minus chemicals=Utopia
The implications of government monopolized healthcare could give you just that. Once the taxpayers pay for someone else's health, it won'tbe too difficult to regulate more aspects of our daily lives to justify the cost of 'healthcare savings'.

I'm honestly amazed that the tinfoil crowd isn't all over this one. Do you really want someone else regulating what you can eat (for your own good),what you can wear (for your own good), how much exercise you have to have every week (for your own good), etc.

I don't know if it would happen, but the possibilities are pretty creepy.
Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

^If people would stop eating CRAP then maybe we wouldn't need doctors. Food minus chemicals=Utopia

You joking dude, I hope you joking. Eating healthy is like being religious, nobody really knows if it helps, but it sure doesn't hurt.

You realize how many illnesses are not related to what we eat?
Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

^If people would stop eating CRAP then maybe we wouldn't need doctors. Food minus chemicals=Utopia
You need to ask yourself "who are these people who usually eat crap food?". It's usually poor people who can not afford freshfruits, vegetables and other healthy foods.

Also, there are some diseases out there not related to food. Eating healthy is very important but it will not prevent all diseases and illnesses.
Originally Posted by SUSHI AND GRITS

This isn't about affording healthcare, though. I don't see anyone in here *****ing about not affording. It's deeper than that. Compassion is something everyone doesn't have.
Compassion ?

Its the FEDERAL AND STATE GOVERNMENT who is denying it's citizens Medicaid coverage (The government health systems DESIGNED for those people who can'tafford private healthcare). Why can't they fix the system that they have in place? If it's billions of dollars in debt, how is it supposed to work on agreater scale ?
Originally Posted by duerr

Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

^If people would stop eating CRAP then maybe we wouldn't need doctors. Food minus chemicals=Utopia
The implications of government monopolized healthcare could give you just that. Once the taxpayers pay for someone else's health, it won't be too difficult to regulate more aspects of our daily lives to justify the cost of 'healthcare savings'.

I'm honestly amazed that the tinfoil crowd isn't all over this one. Do you really want someone else regulating what you can eat (for your own good), what you can wear (for your own good), how much exercise you have to have every week (for your own good), etc.

I don't know if it would happen, but the possibilities are pretty creepy.
Stop with the fear mongering. To the second separated statement not one of those are true and is not even a possibility.

To the first statement we wouldn't need government to step in if private insurance did not screw up the system. So the only reason that private insurancecan't compete IS because they are inefficient. Your comeback: You can't compete with government they have endless supply of money. My response: What doyou say if I told you in other markets there is competition between gov't and private sector? USPS, UPS & Fedex. Private insurance dug their hole nowthe free market is going to correct it. If they can't compete it is because they offer insufficient goods at a awful price. 5 million have been droppedsince Sept 08 from private insurance. Since 1999 health care costs have gone up 119%..

Who wants to do the same thing we did in 1993 and kill a health care bill and see if it turns out different? raise your hand, if that is you.

Also you complain about Medicare, Medicade, and the VA.. Like Rep. Weiner of NY said take it away try to vote to abolish it see where it gets you.. I will findthe video in a sec.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

^If people would stop eating CRAP then maybe we wouldn't need doctors. Food minus chemicals=Utopia

You joking dude, I hope you joking. Eating healthy is like being religious, nobody really knows if it helps, but it sure doesn't hurt.

You realize how many illnesses are not related to what we eat?
Well, in all fairness, Heart Disease is the #1 killer of Americans. Obesity is a contributing factor in the development of heart disease, so...
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by duerr

Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

^If people would stop eating CRAP then maybe we wouldn't need doctors. Food minus chemicals=Utopia
The implications of government monopolized healthcare could give you just that. Once the taxpayers pay for someone else's health, it won't be too difficult to regulate more aspects of our daily lives to justify the cost of 'healthcare savings'.

I'm honestly amazed that the tinfoil crowd isn't all over this one. Do you really want someone else regulating what you can eat (for your own good), what you can wear (for your own good), how much exercise you have to have every week (for your own good), etc.

I don't know if it would happen, but the possibilities are pretty creepy.
Stop with the fear mongering. To the second separated statement not one of those are true and is not even a possibility.

To the first statement we wouldn't need government to step in if private insurance did not screw up the system. So the only reason that private insurance can't compete IS because they are inefficient. Your comeback: You can't compete with government they have endless supply of money. My response: What do you say if I told you in other markets there is competition between gov't and private sector? USPS, UPS & Fedex. Private insurance dug their hole now the free market is going to correct it. If they can't compete it is because they offer insufficient goods at a awful price. 5 million have been dropped since Sept 08 from private insurance. Since 1999 health care costs have gone up 119%..

Who wants to do the same thing we did in 1993 and kill a health care bill and see if it turns out different? raise your hand, if that is you.

Also you complain about Medicare, Medicade, and the VA.. Like Rep. Weiner of NY said take it away try to vote to abolish it see where it gets you.. I will find the video in a sec.
Fear mongering ? I clearly said that "I don't know if it will happen, but the implications are pretty creepy". The implications AREcreepy. If you want to ignore that, fine.

How did the private insurance companies 'screw anything up' ? People have been getting dropped from insurance since the begining of time. Thank godthat they have alternatives in coverage with many other providers. With one public payor, what happens when YOUR healthcare is deemed unnessecary ? You wouldgenuinely rather have government officials dictating what is deemed nessecary for you? Are you insane ?

As far as your statement about Rep. Weiner, I can sum that up easily. First, those people who are forced to eat !%#+ for a long period of time learn to dealwith it.When given the choice: "@!#$** healthcare or no heatlhcare" everyone will pick @!#$**. Can you imagine how quickly Medicare, Medicaid, and VApatients would jump the ship and take ANY private insurance? I do, because we see Medicare as a supplementary and VA patients who pay for private healthcareEVERY DAY.

Also, you're right. Healthcare costs have gone up, while Medicare and Medicaid hasn't increased their reimbursements to match.. Do you know manyphysicians have dropped Medicare and Medicaid because they can't afford to see these patients ? I do.

Finally, if you'de like to re-read my posts, I'm all about redirecting my tax dollars to improving the coverage of Medicare and Medicaid, not tomention fixing the SHAMEFUL state of the VA hospitals in the US. Do you know what kind of !*++$!% lunatics they have in those places? I've never seenincompetence on such a grand !*++$!% scale. It's honestly disgusting.
Fear mongering ? I clearly said that "I don't know if it will happen, but the implications are pretty creepy". The implications ARE creepy. If you want to ignore that, fine.

How are they creepy? Do all the other nations with nationalized health care programs automatically become these red communist countries like all these crazyright wingers tell us we'll become? i don't see it.

If you want to talk about "creepy", look at things like homeland security and the patriot act - those are much closer to putting us in trouble thanproviding basic health care to every man, woman, and child in the most advanced country in the world. We look like idiots not taking care of our citizensbecause we don't want to have to help pay for one another, when in reality we're all paying extra for the current broken system anyways.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Take a few minutes and read this.

Here's my take on it. They were elected to represent the people. And this current situation with the health care bill is the same with everything else. A big part of the reason why the financial crisis happened (they were paid to look the other way). Health Care (they are paid to kill the bill).. Employment (they are paid to kill any employee benefits bill). I will tell you where this came from. Politics has always been corrupt but in the modern times, Milton Friedman (the fraud of a economist) started the Greed is good movement and conservatives and business followed. When Greed and Capitalism are two completely different things and should be held as far apart away from each other. You know what happens when people become too greedy they get caught or they fail.

My jaw dropped at the bolded part and I stopped reading you're a %%@%%$# moron.
Milton Friedman (the fraud of a economist)

i first thought when he bolded it that it was like something he was posting that somebody else wrote, then i saw he just thought what he wrote was reallyimportant... then i saw this line, too.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Fear mongering ? I clearly said that "I don't know if it will happen, but the implications are pretty creepy". The implications ARE creepy. If you want to ignore that, fine.

How are they creepy? Do all the other nations with nationalized health care programs automatically become these red communist countries like all these crazy right wingers tell us we'll become? i don't see it.

If you want to talk about "creepy", look at things like homeland security and the patriot act - those are much closer to putting us in trouble than providing basic health care to every man, woman, and child in the most advanced country in the world. We look like idiots not taking care of our citizens because we don't want to have to help pay for one another, when in reality we're all paying extra for the current broken system anyways.

I'm going to assume that you don't understand how healthcare works, and that's ok. All you can be expected to understand is whattelevision and newspapers tell you.

No one is ever denied treatment, EVER. What people are denied of is PAYMENT ON THEIR BEHALF for the treatment.
We take care of our citizens, we just don't always have someone else to pay the bill afterward. Like I've said 3 times, I'm all aboutredistributing my tax dollars into expanding Medicare and Medicaid and I would love to see the VA turn into a a good hospital.I find it hard to believe that wecan't find the money in the hundreds of billions of tax dollars that are wasted overseas or on special interest.If healthcare is such a priority, letsloosen up some money-making legislation that could finance it.

Also, I'm no fan of homeland security or the patriot act, either.
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