Your opinion on money

I don’t think about the money I’ve spent

I’m busy thinking about the money to be made.

I barely think about the money I’m making. My mind is always on the next move.

Time is money. Yeah I can’t get those hours back spent making money. But I ain’t getting any money thinking about free time either.

The best money is money that’s working for you. Once you figure out how to make passive income, then you can spend time thinking about “time”
All I kno is I'm going to be the first person to amass a fortune of $3^3^3 and beyond that im going to be the first person to amass a fortune of a Googolplexian dollars and beyond. On baby.:emoji_baby::emoji_100:
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Residual income, passive,,wage..etc,,
Gotta keep the flow going. Worry about spending later.
I’ve made some really stupid purchases in my life, but I don’t really regret any. I’ve been fortunate enough to be in a good financial situation now
I love it. I appreciate the importance of it. If worst comes to worst, I would do what is "necessary" to attain it. But from the outside looking in, it can be a negative thing on how "RBK93" puts so much of a emphasis to obtain money.

Not saying I don't care about certain things or people, but there's not much else I can do for someone depending the circumstances.
I'm not breaking any laws for money that's for sure. I've learned how to be content with little to nothing. But with my mindset I can and will achieve exponentially vast astronomical amounts of money.
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It's a tool for me, but it doesn't own me and my life doesn't revolve around it.

This is the healthiest way to go about it. People spend their lives searching for that next move to make them money they dont even need. I read somewhere that the biggest regret people had on their death bed is they wish they didnt work so hard all their life. Dont be a slave to money
Its stays on my mind all the time. Nyc is expensive. Comfort is expensive. Children are expensive. Ive lost some good amount in investments and stocks but luckily i have a good foundation and family always got me.

But i need financial freedom. Money is a burden. The worst pain in my life is hustilin hard and having uncle sam leave me dry.
I definitely think back on my spending during a day. Sometimes i just gotta shake my head at myself. It's like I worked 4 hours to pay for this...not worth it.

Soon, I'll be in a better salaried job but still, I wanna keep that mentality of time = money (until it doesn't).
First step is make enough money to buy your own freedom.

Meaning you never have to worry about having to work for a paycheck ever again.

Once you have your freedom, the rest is up to you.
I've always had good financial habits, so I honestly don't have major money regrets.

The only smh moment that I can think, regarding my use of money, involved 2008 crash. Invested a lot of scholarship money and personal savings, as a college student, into the market prior to the crash. Got scared when things went south and sold all my positions at a major loss (apple, Visa, etc). The stress of the loss was so bad that I damn near flunked out that fall and spring semester. It was a learning experience that I won't ever forget though. :lol:

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Stack as much as I can but not compromising on my hobby (single malt scotch, bourbon and Japanese whiskeys) for it
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