your opinion on promise rings

Jun 3, 2008
So me and my girl have been together for over 3 1/2 years and this christmas i was thinking of getting her a promise ring. I would like to marry her someday, just not yet. I always looked at promise rings as a high school thing but she has been hinting at it for some time. What is a good amount to spend on one? Does it still mean something once you are in your 20's? Have any of you guys given one or plan to give one in the future? We are each 21 btw. Thanks in advance
Perhaps a cynical viewpoint, but I always felt the majority of cases with promise rings were a middle step utilized by men to appease their long-time girlfriends seeking further commitment or reassurance. Usually an alternative to marriage or children depending on the time frame and length of relationship.
nothing wrong with it, if that's sure what you want to do. you're basically committing to marrying her, years before you actually marry her.
Honestly, I wanted to laugh when I saw the thread title thinking I think it's childish but then I thought about what my wedding ring is. :lol:

What are you promising tho?
21 - promise rings?

No offense, but both of you have a lot of growing up to do. You're both VERY young.

Not worth it, IMO. If you all are together down the road, save up and buy the real thing. Early 20's relationships come and go. No matter how strong you think your bond is.
21 - promise rings?
No offense, but both of you have a lot of growing up to do. You're both VERY young.
Not worth it, IMO. If you all are together down the road, save up and buy the real thing. Early 20's relationships come and go. No matter how strong you think your bond is.
all of this.
Has she been hinting at a promise ring or getting married?

You can discuss your feelings and your future together without getting a promise ring.
my initial opinion is negatory

however i am a single male at 22 livin life

good luck and one love
marriage is one thing. its a ceremony to share with family and friends, and share your love witht he world more than it is about commitment.

commitment should come from the both of you, in your hearts, not forced through expensive jewlery and symbolic gestures.

if you plan on being with her just tell her that **** that other noise.

but now you need to purchase a random ring to symbolize your committment
21 - promise rings?

No offense, but both of you have a lot of growing up to do. You're both VERY young.

Not worth it, IMO. If you all are together down the road, save up and buy the real thing. Early 20's relationships come and go. No matter how strong you think your bond is.
all of this.

That's how I feel.

The actual marriage should be the only promise worth making.
i understand the sentiment and you guys seem to be on the road to marriage . . . but promise rings should be left in high school.

once you're in your 20's and people see a ring, they automatically think it's a wedding / engagement ring . . . and then you don't want to be stuck having to always explain to people what a promise ring is.

wow, there's a milestone, my 500th post on NT . . . :tongue:
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Perhaps a cynical viewpoint, but I always felt the majority of cases with promise rings were a middle step utilized by men to appease their long-time girlfriends seeking further commitment or reassurance. Usually an alternative to marriage or children depending on the time frame and length of relationship.
damb ... brought the hammer early.

Promise rings are wack... and you're 21 years old?

I know we're all strangers ... but to be real... were going to keep it as 100 with you as much as anyone cuz no one cares about your feelings.

Don't guarantee marriage cuz I guarantee you'll be a different man in 4 years.
I don't think promise rings mean much..but OP if you want to get her one.. don't eem worry about what anyone tells you my NT brethren, get her one.

Y'all can't be telling OP his feelings and him are going to change in a few years.. everyone changes but y'all make it seem like because they're young their relationship won't last 

Where's that NTer who's been with his girl since they were both 14 or something and still married
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I don't think promise rings mean much..but OP if you want to get her one.. don't eem worry about what anyone tells you my NT brethren, get her one.

Y'all can't be telling OP his feelings and him are going to change in a few years.. everyone changes but y'all make it seem like because they're young their relationship won't last :lol:

Where's that NTer who's been with his girl since they were both 14 or something and still married
bruh ... 9/10 of those high school relationships don't work...

And the large majority of relationships from early 20s don't last, especially when they aren't forced to stay together b/c a kid.

He might be the exception, but I doubt it.
Promise rings? You're 21? The f***?

I thought you were 13 years old with this thread famb. Damb shame 
Skip the whole promise thing and just buy her a ring. Take her to the jeweler and let her pick one out. You'll get more out of it if you do it this way, I bet. And then take her to a really nice restaurant and let her know how seriously you take her and that you think you could have a happy life with her. Book a hotel.

It may sound simpy, but you have to keep the girls on their toes if you want to have the most fun. When most people say "keep the girls on their toes" it's almost as if they want them to be in a defensive stance. Sometimes you want them to be on their toes so that they are running and jumping towards you, not away from you.
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There are two kinds of promise rings. One being that she's promising to keep herself pure until marriage. If she wants to get one of those, that's one thing.

The other is the kind she's wanting. Even growing up in an environment where girls wanted that kind of thing, I still never understood it. You're basically buying a ring promising to buy her a more expensive ring some time in the future when you get engaged which will be the next step before buying the wedding band making the ultimate commitment to each other. The only "promise ring" that matters is the engagement ring & wedding band. All others are just jewelry.
like somebody else said, if you want to get her a ring just as a gift to be like "here, this is're pretty so i bought it for you" type ****, then that's fine. (just like any other jewelry)
but as a grown *** man if you buy a ring to promise's a wedding/engagement ring.
marriage is one thing. its a ceremony to share with family and friends, and share your love witht he world more than it is about commitment.
commitment should come from the both of you, in your hearts, not forced through expensive jewlery and symbolic gestures.
if you plan on being with her just tell her that **** that other noise.
but now you need to purchase a random ring to symbolize your committment

Marriage is more about legal ramifications than actual commitment. I know maaaaaad married dudes who fuggin broads other than their wives!
This man said 9/10 don't last got damn.. Where you getting these statistics fam?
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