Your Place in UPS Route vol. Wheres my ^$%& ?!

I remember back in the day I skipped a day of school when my Sidekick was supposed to be delivered through UPS. Truck didn't come until 5pm
My stuff was delivered today really early, around 3. Except it was delivered by some random dude in casual clothes driving a Infiniti. Supposed to be ups through amazon, #+@?
UPS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>USPS. USPS tracking is absolutely useless & they take forever smh. Damn eggsaver is also crap.
Im actually waiting for a package right now from USPS. since 9am its been out for delivery and it hasn't got here yet. UPS always comes no later than 4pm.
UPS drop of time for me is consistently between 5- 5:30. Fedex usually the same time except last week something came from them at 10. USPS my mail use to always come at 5 but now they must have changed the route so it comes around 12
usually between 5-6. PISSES ME OFF. I think they have to hit all the businesses by 3, then residential is after
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

UPS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>USPS. USPS tracking is absolutely useless & they take forever smh. Damn eggsaver is also crap.

This..not to mention the tracking site said that a notice was left because no one was home when I was home the whole day..Cant even pick it up at the post office because they didnt even leave the notice slip.So we'll see what happens tomorrow?
UPS 10am to 1.00pm

old driver apologized once and said "sorry i was tired yesterday so i didn't knock"
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

I usually get mine between 3-5PM, but one time, the jerk came at 10PM, the hell?
He probably smashed some broad earlier in the route, 'caused him to be late. 

Either that or he got lost, fell asleep, etc. etc.
I absolutely hateeeeeee ups always late and when they come they ring the door bell once and put up their stupid slip and walk away always gotta run behind them, my god i cant stand ups 
I like USPS because I have a drop box they only have access to. I got UPS mans celly so I text him and meet up with him to get package or he calls to see if I'm home. I shoot him a lil gift for christmas. Sometimes you gotta say thank you with something a lil tangible to keep good service.
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I like USPS because I have a drop box they only have access to. I got UPS mans celly so I text him and meet up with him to get package or he calls to see if I'm home. I shoot him a lil gift for christmas. Sometimes you gotta say thank you with something a lil tangible to keep good service.

That would be legit but I could never see myself putting that link together. How did you go about that?
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