Your Turnoffs in the Opposite Sex

- Have braces/retainers. I dunno I find it very unattractive for the most part unless it's those invisible ones
- Don't have nice hair. This is usually on that first impression tip whether it's fake or not/done or not. It's a certain way I like my girls hairto look that to me is attractive
- Chicks who have been peed on..... and those who like it
- Bad breath, it's worse than flatulence
- Ugliness. Call me shallow but it's hard to get turned on by extremely ugly females

Most of this is fixable so I'd give a chick a 2nd chance if she actin right.....
Originally Posted by Master Zik

- Have braces/retainers. I dunno I find it very unattractive for the most part unless it's those invisible ones
- Don't have nice hair. This is usually on that first impression tip whether it's fake or not/done or not. It's a certain way I like my girls hair to look that to me is attractive
- Chicks who have been peed on..... and those who like it
- Bad breath, it's worse than flatulence
- Ugliness. Call me shallow but it's hard to get turned on by extremely ugly females

Most of this is fixable so I'd give a chick a 2nd chance if she actin right.....

Originally Posted by ccb302

Originally Posted by Master Zik

- Have braces/retainers. I dunno I find it very unattractive for the most part unless it's those invisible ones
- Don't have nice hair. This is usually on that first impression tip whether it's fake or not/done or not. It's a certain way I like my girls hair to look that to me is attractive
- Chicks who have been peed on..... and those who like it
- Bad breath, it's worse than flatulence
- Ugliness. Call me shallow but it's hard to get turned on by extremely ugly females

Most of this is fixable so I'd give a chick a 2nd chance if she actin right.....

Oh yeah.....

- Girls who smoke cigarettes. I can try and look past this though.
- Girls with 5'o Clock shadows
- Girls who don't keep their (()) clean at all times around me. I really never wanna smell some foul stench from between ya legs. I don't like being inareas that smell like fish. I HATE FISH!

- Girls with AIDS/HIV. Girls with STDs, especially herpes. Tryin to play it off like "Oh just wear a condom, you now you want this"
Specifically %!%%$$+ who get a dude hard and then want to reveal that ina shy manner
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

- flat butts
- messed up/yellow teeth

- bad skin (bumps and shh)
- nasty hair

Co sign. Oh n girls that think the world revolves around them!!!
Originally Posted by antoekneeo

1. Body Hair
2. Smokers
3. Idiots
4. Noassatall
5. The creme de la creme : TRAMP STAMPS
that is a terrible disease
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Oh yeah.....

- Girls with 5'o Clock shadows
- Girls who don't keep their (()) clean at all times around me. I really never wanna smell some foul stench from between ya legs. I don't like being in areas that smell like fish. I HATE FISH!

- Girls with AIDS/HIV. Girls with STDs, especially herpes. Tryin to play it off like "Oh just wear a condom, you now you want this"
Specifically *@+%%!! who get a dude hard and then want to reveal that in a shy manner

you've really had girls say that to you? thats crazy...
chicks who use the word "swag" in any way shape or form

jobless and/or educationless

wears too much makeup

swears up and down they "arent like every other chick" but really are

doesnt know how to think "out of the box"

wears hypebeast style skinny jeans

is a beast (blows up phone and/or smothers me)
A girl with no booty is getting nothing but friendship from me.

Hairy calfs

And girls that don't enlighten a young man. Seriously your 24 with a kid and you won't let me meet your neck.
What the hell is that about.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Oh yeah.....

- Girls with 5'o Clock shadows
- Girls who don't keep their (()) clean at all times around me. I really never wanna smell some foul stench from between ya legs. I don't like being in areas that smell like fish. I HATE FISH!

- Girls with AIDS/HIV. Girls with STDs, especially herpes. Tryin to play it off like "Oh just wear a condom, you now you want this"
Specifically *@+%%!! who get a dude hard and then want to reveal that in a shy manner

you've really had girls say that to you? thats crazy...
A chick with herpes told me that. I stonefaced the hell out of her and left. The HIV/AIDS was this chick who had either one I aint sure and wasgiving me signs and being all touchy feely. Then my boy was like you know she got the monster right? I'm like what for real? He was like I'mpositive. Crazy girl didn't even have the decency to tell me but she giving me signs like she want me tosmash

Shhh is more infuriating than a turn off. I figure after the act and when you find out they gonna be on some I didn't know steez(I hear that with herpesthe most). Then there's chicks who got it from dudes who didn't tell them and are not trying to get revenge by giving it to every dude outthere
- too much makeup
- girls that are obviously not good looking but dress showing a lot of skin... (they should not be allowed to go out on hot days word to twilight)
- annoying voice
- acne.. i mean like too much acne
- gut..
- girls that think they're mature, talking bout how they're all mature, try to dress more "grown" and #@@# but yet they are obviously NOT
- ugly legs (fat, hairy, nasty skin, etc)
- girls that think they're doin it but they aaaint..
-OD arrogant
-those who OD on the male bashing
-cigarette smokers
-loud for no reason
-too confrontational
-bad body odors
-damaged goods
-stretch marks/hairy ****
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Oh yeah.....

- Girls who smoke cigarettes. I can try and look past this though.
- Girls with 5'o Clock shadows
- Girls who don't keep their (()) clean at all times around me. I really never wanna smell some foul stench from between ya legs. I don't like being in areas that smell like fish. I HATE FISH!

- Girls with AIDS/HIV. Girls with STDs, especially herpes. Tryin to play it off like "Oh just wear a condom, you now you want this"
Specifically %!%%$$+ who get a dude hard and then want to reveal that in a shy manner
This man is burning NT. Don't act like you didnt hit.
Originally Posted by Mr Whomp Whomp

-those who OD on the male bashing
co-sign times 100, chicks always talk bout men and women being equal but then jump on the man hating women wagon. eff that....... word to the1960's civil rights movement....
Originally Posted by Mr Whomp Whomp

-OD arrogant
-those who OD on the male bashing
-cigarette smokers
-loud for no reason
-too confrontational
-bad body odors
-damaged goods
-stretch marks/hairy ****

too much make-up
playing hard to get
smoking...prob one of my biggest ones
too loud and talkative
Overly materialistic
Talking a lot about absolutely nothing
No sense of humor

As far as physical turn-offs go:

I hate to sound shallow, but a guy with really bad acne is, I can't do it.
Bad teeth
Wack tattoos ( Sounds like a stupid turn-off, but hey...)
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