You're not a "drinker" until you've...

-Don't remember walking into the club.

-woke up in the middle of the night or the next morning. Looked over to your right and maded this face
and wondered "how your going to get out of theroom without waking her up."
haha some of u are just wild.. the worst i ever was was from a night of everclear.. i tried to kiss a lady friend n when she pulled back i got mad n starteddoin pushups because i felt i wasnt buff enough..
your a drinker when you and a friend casually chug a fifth to yourselves and not be super drunk. not even at a party. just because.
The last time I took a major "L" drinking was when I threw up on my friend's couch at a place he was house sitting and had to walk home to myhouse 90 min away. I had no idea where I was at the time so luckily I passed out on the middle of the sidewalk and some random Natives drove me home
. Good times and I have no idea how I gave them directions...and the couch Ithrew up on was white.
Originally Posted by Glory Glory Hallelujah

Peed on the side of a stranger's house (and you're a chick). Aaah, college.

back in high school this one broad just dropped her draws in the middle of the floor and proceed to wet the place up
when u wake up tha next mornin with your homies shorts on because your pants wouldnt stay up and have 2 monster holes in each sock because you were tryin 2walk aroun outside without your shoes on and your homies toilet is broken because you punched it when u puked haha
When you suddenly decide that you can fly...and proceed to jump of a roof.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Or peed on your roommate while he was asleep in his bed, because you thought you were in the bathroom...

holy @%@% either we know the same people or have heard very similar stories
you're not a drinker until you've woken up the next day 2 cities away from the city you were at the night before
waking up like where the hell am i, and then remembering the party last night and being proud of yourself for drinking so much and not throwing up at all! andthen running straight to the toilet to puke, then looking in the mirror like "WHO THE #)@(#% PUKED ALL OVER MY JACKET"(i came to the realization thati was the culprit hours later)...only to learn all the fun stories and pictures that your friends took of you passed out on the toilet midway through taking adeuce (which may explain the streak marks in the boxers) and you've got this monster hangover now that lasts the whole day and your friends car to cleanbecause "it was all you man"

ohhh college...
Originally Posted by vctry20

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Or peed on your roommate while he was asleep in his bed, because you thought you were in the bathroom...

holy @%@% either we know the same people or have heard very similar stories
"heard" stories?

"... blacked out the night before and end up sleeping through not only commencement ceremonies, but your department's individual graduation. And wakeup at 4 pm that afternoon with 29 missed phone calls from your folks, cousins, and grand parents (the last of whom were flown in the day before from Jamaicaand Florida.)"

THAT admittedly wasn't me but my best friend
Originally Posted by lil rell

haha some of u are just wild.. the worst i ever was was from a night of everclear.. i tried to kiss a lady friend n when she pulled back i got mad n started doin pushups because i felt i wasnt buff enough..
IDK why but that %!+# sounds funny as hell. Im a do that when im sober just for the lulz
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by lil rell

haha some of u are just wild.. the worst i ever was was from a night of everclear.. i tried to kiss a lady friend n when she pulled back i got mad n started doin pushups because i felt i wasnt buff enough..
IDK why but that %!+# sounds funny as hell. Im a do that when im sober just for the lulz

that had me
walked around your house after taking a shower, not realizing that you don't have clothes on.

and having your parents tell you about it the next day.
when you dont even want to talk to the people you went out with cause they are going to tell you how smashed you where
Originally Posted by bboi4lif3

woke up in a strange place you have never been to.. or just don't know how you got home last night!
Just happened to me two days ago.
I remember drinkin a grip and then drivin home but only remembering going to where I was drinking and its a hour away in corona lol.
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