Yuku profile page "update"

Jul 15, 2005
Has anyones else profile page "upgraded"? Mine has and I cant change it back. I cant even respond to PMs.
Originally Posted by offbad

I've been ignoring that little "present" at the top. Something told me it was full of fail.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I've been ignoring that little "present" at the top. Something told me it was full of fail.

^^this. that present contains some type of evil. clicked on it once and saw "convert data". that was enough for me
I made a post about this that said don't click the gift... its not so bad once you turn the chat bar off which you can do from the account settings. Its actually pretty cool the way you can customize your home page add quotes and pics. Seeing as how yuku is suddenly trying to link your account with twitter and facebook its trying to branch out. I'm not ready for all that tho...
You can too open PMs. Just click on the conversation and then it takes you to that conversation's page which shows all of the correspondence back and forth
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I've been ignoring that little "present" at the top. Something told me it was full of fail.

 "just for you".. i've heard that one before. 
Already converted..checked PM but it still says I have 1 new?? Been there a week already
you gotta click the message titleand open it my dude..... but even the ones i checked and deleted are still appearing....
Yuku sucks

and that Layla chick keeps leaving me kudos hoping I will return the favor
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