Yuku To Vbulletin (NT I need your help)

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Are you also testing if join dates and post counts transfer over? I think Meth said that was another obstacle they need to overcome when they transfer platforms.
  Yes,  from the little transfer I did it worked but I need the yuku a little bit more filled up to test it on a larger scale. I want to know it can move a fairly active forum.

I would of made test yuku account and make my own threads and post but that would require me to make tons of emails and register a bunch of times. It's a lot easier if you guys help than if I kept this to myself.
Also please chill with the images you put up. Please test functions like polls and also do your part to fill in the emptiness.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

how about you remove the posting limit?

Their is no posting limit but I just disabled the 1 min post rule. Do what you need to do to fill it up, just don't put any explicit images.
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