Yuku's Terrible

don't even get the wizard no more.

NT admins...can you tell us what you are doing to plan to do about this?
meth and the NT team should've been fed up with this #!%@ a long time ago. it's astounding that they put up with this. it really is.
word I thought niketalk got zapped..... it was even loading to the wizard ... it went strau=ight to a blank white screen.... yuku is trizzash
in the last 5 minutes it's gone down 3 times. comical. maybe the mods/admins don't trust vbulletin, but they trust this crap? that'sridiculous. i'm a member of message boards that use vbulletin, php, etc. and we're almost never down. not only that but why do the other yuku boardswork fine? just a bad deal for this site
Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

this is becoming a bi-daily thread topic.

Its true though.

NT should seriously think about switching boards. A complete overhaul/move. We can create more sections even: Gamers, TV Spot, The Arts, Music, Sports(yeahwe already have music and sports i know), Fashion, Politics, etc. This board has so much potential, but Yuku really limits it.

I can't even use NT on my phone, thats how slow it is
- The Great Crash is upon us

- I thought NT decided to pack it up

- Couldn't access this joint all day
Ive been trying to log on since 10 am.. Its now 4:30, and my first post.. I HATE YUKU.. AND EFF U WIZARDS..
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