Yup, DeAngelo Hall sucks...Sal Paolantonio breaks it down....

Hall is a top 3 2nd string db in the League
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

so pacman ant better then hall?? with a year off pacman would still cover better then hall has EVER done in his career.
no PacMan aint better than Hall.... what has PacMan done so far in his career? Halls career >>>>> PacMan's
Originally Posted by xCautioNx

Originally Posted by theone2401

xCautioNx wrote:

Originally Posted by theone2401

At all the Raider fans coming to DeAngelo's defense

No one is saying he is a total bum he just aint Deion. Deion woulda caught Hines Ward in a pair of Tims we all know this.
nah homie, I love Deion and he's one of my all time fav players but Deion would have not let him catch the ball, or kept the play infront of him. But Deion wouldn't have chased down anybody and tackled them! Deion didnt tackle for nothing...

it was a joke dude you analyzing it a lil to much.

and lmao on people jumping at the chance to hate on Hall now that he's with the Raiders, but when he was with the Falcons he was the best thing since sliced bread
I dunno about anyone else here but I always was skeptical of dude. Even after his "good" season I was sittin on NT hatin on him. Back when truth went on his hype campaign

hate hate hate hate hate!!!!!!!!

And still doing it to this day. Sad part is id take him on the ******** ina min but he aint top 5 nothing. IMO
Well, I guess D Hall has something to prove this year. As quick as all Raiders fans are coming to his defense, there are just as many Raiders haters trying toput D Hall down, even though they would probably love to have him on their favorite team. Stop the Haterade!
Steve Smith vs. Deangelo Hall
2007 Game 1: 1 catch, 10 yards, No TD's.
2007 Game 2: 5 catches, 60 yards, No TD's, and a fumble. (Hall forced the fumble)

2006: Game 1: Smith Did not Play
2006: Game 2: SMith Plays whole game. Zero Catches, 1 rush for neg 5 yrds. (Hall with 2 Pass Defended)

2005 Game 1: Smith does pretty well. 7 Catches, 65 yards, 1 TD. (Smith had a good game, gets the best of Hall)

GAME 2 in 2005: D. Hall does NOT PLAY. Steve Smith: 9 Catches, 131 Yards, 1 TD.

You realize Smith has NO help across for him or a competent QB...he gets doubled and even tripled team every game
Its from the Dal-Atl NFL network game 2 years ago.

The play was already over, and for whatever reason Hall was still running and looked like he was trying to
pile on.

So Colombo pushed him in mid-air.

Short answer: D. Hall being stupid.
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