Zodiac signs and Astrology: you like yours, hate it, or dont believe?

Let me help y'all out... go to mindlinkr.com, click on month, then your year, and then explore. Enjoy
there are some truth to them...

gemini are hella crazy

and i seem to fit every Leo stereotype.
there are some truth to them...

gemini are hella crazy

and i seem to fit every Leo stereotype.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

I'm a Taurus, I don't want to believe in this crap but +$*$ is on point when friends direct me to stuff regarding my sign.
Taureans are ambitious and like to achieve career success. However, Taureans do not like to take any risks and work best in careers that provide a regular and steady income. Driven by their love of financial security, many Taureans will accept work that that they don’t enjoy simply because the income is large and secure.
Pretty on point...

Tuarens are more likely to get stuck in a career rut. Taureans will often opt for careers that offer them stability and financial security rather than enjoyment. Taureans are renowned for getting stuck in jobs that they don’t enjoy because of their incessant need for this type of security.

Where I'm at right now.  Ends to a means, Masters program is getting paid for so can't complain about getting my Masters and finishing undergrad and grad school without taking out a single loan (I see those college loan threads,
It doesn't matter to me, you might as well live your life by a fortune cookie. Millions of people share the same sign and but no two personalities are the same.

I feel the same way, but like I said when people mention stuff about my sign it stops me in my tracks because I can't refute.



i've had these thoughts. thought about pursuing a career in graphic design although i cant draw but im pretty good with photoshop/illustrator and i've aced by 2 graphic design courses and i thought it would be fun. but im pursuing comp sci for said reasons.....getting a solid job as a graphic designer can be difficult. and it takes a lot of time to work your way up. takes years for you to even be considered for doing a logo.(for obvious reasons)
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

I'm a Taurus, I don't want to believe in this crap but +$*$ is on point when friends direct me to stuff regarding my sign.
Taureans are ambitious and like to achieve career success. However, Taureans do not like to take any risks and work best in careers that provide a regular and steady income. Driven by their love of financial security, many Taureans will accept work that that they don’t enjoy simply because the income is large and secure.
Pretty on point...

Tuarens are more likely to get stuck in a career rut. Taureans will often opt for careers that offer them stability and financial security rather than enjoyment. Taureans are renowned for getting stuck in jobs that they don’t enjoy because of their incessant need for this type of security.

Where I'm at right now.  Ends to a means, Masters program is getting paid for so can't complain about getting my Masters and finishing undergrad and grad school without taking out a single loan (I see those college loan threads,
It doesn't matter to me, you might as well live your life by a fortune cookie. Millions of people share the same sign and but no two personalities are the same.

I feel the same way, but like I said when people mention stuff about my sign it stops me in my tracks because I can't refute.



i've had these thoughts. thought about pursuing a career in graphic design although i cant draw but im pretty good with photoshop/illustrator and i've aced by 2 graphic design courses and i thought it would be fun. but im pursuing comp sci for said reasons.....getting a solid job as a graphic designer can be difficult. and it takes a lot of time to work your way up. takes years for you to even be considered for doing a logo.(for obvious reasons)
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